Example sentences of "[conj] [is] [adv] known [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the bird that is best known for extracting insects from wood by means of a tool is the woodpecker finch of the Galapagos Islands .
2 Recently , there has been a moving together again , but in the 1930s there developed at the University of Chicago a tradition of social research that is now known as the ‘ Chicago School ’ .
3 And it 's a family that 's well known as a bit you know Geordies and that and a couple of rottweilers .
4 Mlle Adjani , who made her first film , Faustine , at the age of 16 and is best known for The Story of Adele H , is now working on new film projects and promoting Christian Dior .
5 Birthright is a charity which funds research projects to improve the health of women and their babies , and is best known for its work on pregnancy and childbirth .
6 American Technologies set up shop in Warsaw in 1990 , and is best known as one of two local distributors of printers from IBM Corp spin-out Lexmark International Inc .
7 As for MTM ( which took its name from US actress Mary Tyler Moore , its founder , and is best known in Britain for Hill Street Blues and Lou Grant ) Mr Gatward said it would take between 18 months to two years before the company was turned around .
8 As for MTM ( which took its name from US actress Mary Tyler Moore , its founder , and is best known in Britain for Hill Street Blues and Lou Grant ) Mr Gatward said it would take between 18 months to two years before the company was turned around .
9 Pentecost , the seventh Sunday after Easter , commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and is generally known as Whitsunday .
10 The ES/9000–820 is a new generation of technology compared to the 600J and is colloquially known as a ‘ Summit ’ class machine .
11 It is of flamboyant design , and is locally known as Wainhouse Tower .
12 The former means that the machine recognises the writing while the user writes , and is also known as dynamic or real-time recognition , although the recognition will lag behind the writer to a certain extent .
13 This is the rate of interest expressed in money terms and is also known as the money rate of interest .
14 One of her plays , My Funeral Tea , is a best-seller in the United States and is also known in Australia .
15 Fiona Price & Partners Ltd is an all-women company of financial advisers and is well known for having an almost all-female clientele .
16 Mitcham which contains a number of interesting Georgian houses , is now a separate borough and is well known for its historic cricket green and its lavender factory .
17 Tony Farrow has been building one-off yachts for 20 years and is well known for the trimaran Colt Cars GB , Geoff Panell 's Admiral 's Cup triallist Itzanotherpurla re-named Red Stripe and more recently used by the RAF as a test bench under the name of Oracle Arrow in preparation for this year 's Admiral 's Cup .
18 Sir John has a finger in every pie and is well known to the harbour masters all along the south coast . ’
19 It comes courtesy of AIS , the information service that pumps out Notams and an awful lot more from Heathrow and is well known within the aviation world for the personal briefings it can give for aviators seeking to make foreign journeys .
20 The cafe/terrace is an ideal place to relax and watch the world go by , and its a la carte restaurant has excellent food and is well known amongst the local residents .
21 It has burned down three times and is today known as Her Majesty 's .
22 Did you know that almost all modern dentures are made by polymerising methyl methacrylate ? the name is a bit of a mouthful ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) , and is better known by the acronym MMA .
23 DARLINGTON has always prided itself on its railway heritage and is nationally known as the railway town .
24 The result that Friedman 's approach to monetary policy is no longer inferior to a more ‘ flexible ’ approach , once one incorporates rational expectations into the basic aggregate supply and demand model , was demonstrated more formally and generally by Sargent and Wallace ( 1975 ) and is sometimes known as the Sargent-Wallace proposition .
25 This started in 1978 and is commonly known as SERPS .
26 It belongs to the rail family and is commonly known as a woodhen .
27 He belongs to the family Salicaceae and is formally known as Populus alba .
28 This was the edition most commonly used in England till the publication of the Authorised Version in 1611 and is often known as the ‘ Breeches ’ Bible from the rendering in Genesis iii .
29 The species has been bred fairly often in captivity , and is often known as C. hellabruni , or the Chocolate Cichlid .
30 Anyone expecting a story about inflight cyclic stick failure would have been disappointed , however : the piece concerned a helicopter pilot named Paul who had undergone a sex-change operation and is now known as Paula .
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