Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] provide [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A programme that may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course could be developed by adding further Stage 1 Biological Sciences modules ( see page 10 ) to this core .
2 There is one further set of theories that may provide a structure for the study of reading behaviour : the theories of play .
3 We are all ears in terms of ideas and innovations that may provide the company a competitive advantage from the financial side , ’ Meredith said .
4 stayed at the Queensway during the summer he was , no doubt , delighted to find a range of unique Torres wines that could provide an accompaniment to any of the dishes in the restaurant .
5 The Alexander report was revised four times before it was acceptable , according to Armstrong , who said that the final version ‘ does not contain any sworn statements or evidence that could provide the basis for specific actions against anyone ’ .
6 Even if he did not allow himself to betray his secret directly he might let slip something that would provide a clue .
7 We 're in favour of the part that would protect the work of art after it leaves the studio , but we 've fought against the resale royalties section that would provide a share of resale profits to go to the artists .
8 They decided to cut across the coastal plain and head for a wadi that would provide a route back to the top of the escarpment .
9 There is less emphasis on corporate planning , and on ‘ structure plans ’ that would provide a policy framework within a county over a fifteen- or twenty-year period .
10 A report from the conservative US Academy of Sciences has announced that the government has failed to conduct studies that would provide a sound , scientific basis for its environmental clean-up programme .
11 In particular , he began to harp on the conservative themes that would provide the centrepiece of his campaigns for the governorship of California and which he would eventually carry with him into the White House .
12 But it was the unexpected shots that would provide the spice to the story — like the ones she had just made of the little midinette enthusing as she saw the dress she 'd sweated blood for , if not created , come down the catwalk to the roar of applause .
13 Though Larry does not ultimately succeed in reintegrating himself into the world , his efforts to come to terms with the consequences of his experience in the death world of his hallucination indicate a potential mode of interpersonal relation that would provide the basis for a more ‘ sane ’ existence .
14 Hence the need to explore any avenue that will provide a variety of services in order to allay the second fear about specialism — that the service will become labelled as one for the poor only .
15 1.13 Our fundamental assumption is that all pupils are entitled to an education that will provide the opportunity for them to develop to the best of their abilities a competence in and appreciation of English .
16 Erm , and eh and we , if the the Council also can provide supports for those groups and it 's us that will provide the support and we leave it as general as that .
17 If all the relevant facts are assembled and put together by competent people , and logical analysis is made , then that will provide the answer . ’
18 Avoiding the perennial philosophical question concerning what educational ends are most worthwhile , and what constitutes educational quality , he asserts that it is perfectly possible for teachers to agree ‘ working objectives ’ that can provide the focus for the development of an evaluation technology .
19 You need to decide whether you are simply looking for premises and plan to do your own catering , whether you want to hire a professional catering service , or choose a hotel or restaurant that can provide the venue and the food .
20 The following grouping of Stage 2 modules may form a core for vocational programmes and may provide a route to Advanced Further Education and Higher Education :
21 The following grouping of Stage 2 modules may form a core for vocational programmes and may provide a route to Advanced Further Education and Higher Education :
22 Certainly some of their art , such as cave paintings , survives and may provide a clue as to how they thought .
23 The following activities and exercises may be pursued individually or in groups , and may provide a framework for individual study leading to personal or group presentations in seminars or workshops , dependent on the resources available and the provisions made for personal study in the course curriculum or re-orientation programme .
24 Endowment — designed to repay the loan and may provide a cash lump sum at the end of the mortgage term
25 The hilarious final rush of actions dominates the tale , and may provide a form of comic catharsis by which not only are potentially grave moral images and considerations emptied of their solemnity , but also the sympathy that it is difficult at times not to feel for the poor dupe , John , faithfully and helplessly in love with his wife , is overwhelmed by the sheer absurdity of this all-embracing climax .
26 Transport of OH - /HCO on the uptake carrier generates significant pH changes , and may provide a mechanism for neuron-glial interaction .
27 The management of these relationships is expected to be an important determinant of success in the use of new technology by customer firms and should provide a route for product innovations by suppliers .
28 Each Division would be allocated a Unit of the Modular Teaching Material and should provide a session of approximately 20 – 30 minutes in length , based upon the whole or part of the Unit content .
29 He believes , however , that the ‘ contracts ’ should establish prisoners ' ‘ legitimate expectations ’ and could provide a platform for an application for judicial review in cases where conditions became intolerable .
30 Little is known about the causes of the problem , though a new study of receptors on blood platelets has suggested a possible mechanism , and could provide a way of predicting those women who will suffer postnatal depression .
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