Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] wider " in BNC.

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1 In this case the poem has variant readings , depending on whether the relevant context of utterance is identified as the setting of an illegal demonstration ( the " unlawful assembly " indicated by the title ) , or extended to the wider societal context in which the text was produced .
2 So while changing herself , the Family Development Nurse has to facilitate this change at community level in order that the expertise and knowledge of parents can be recognised and used in a wider context in the community and in equal partnership with the professional .
3 Recent thinking is that these should be scrapped and replaced with the wider concept of children with ‘ learning difficulties ’ having ‘ special educational needs ’ .
4 Bortoni-Ricardo 's main hypothesis about change in social structure associated with the change from rural to urban life is that it involves a move from an insulated network consisting largely of kinsfolk and neighbours to an integrated urban network where the links will be less multiplex and associated with a wider range of social contexts .
5 It is a family history that becomes much more interesting when set against the wider background of the local history of an important industry .
6 It might also encourage the lordly ones who run the Trust to see that its properties only have real value and interest when set in a wider social background that the rather greenery-yallery context in which too many of them are set for us by the Trust 's publications .
7 Swan had no view as to the rival merits of the narrow as opposed to the wider band of the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
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