Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [not/n't] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 in the Davis Straits whale fishery ; he had little success and did not go again .
2 She was slightly agoraphobic and did not go far from home on her own .
3 He told police that shortly before 6pm on Monday he spotted them sunbathing naked , but did not go near .
4 In that particular case the judges pronounced in general on the right of free speech , but did not go so far as to appoint experts to ascertain whether the accused was right in his criticism or not ( see The Art Newspaper No.14 , January 1992 , p.1 ) .
5 Easthope believes that the modernist concept of ‘ impersonality ’ , later systematized in the New Criticism , and theorized by Wimsatt and Beardsley in their famous essay ‘ The Intentional Fallacy ’ , was on the right lines , but did not go far enough , as the author was not really banished .
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