Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun] called them " in BNC.

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1 Fred Heatley described them as ‘ an autonomous adjunct of the Republican Movement ’ , and Roy Johnston called them ‘ a Fabian Society to the Republican Movement ’ .
2 Lord Goff referred to multidisciplinary partnerships as ‘ most objectionable ’ , and Lord Griffiths called them a ‘ profound mistake ’ .
3 The coach trundled briskly past , browning everyone with dust ; the deerhounds checked and growled thunderously at the town dogs until James Flemyng called them loudly to heel .
4 Mafouz , Sheikh , Mahmud , Akhtar , and , at the back , their ears jutting out like radio antennae , the Husayn twins with Khan — or Famine , Pestilence and War , as Mr Malik called them .
5 They are , as Mary Chamot called them , ‘ translations of a state of mind ’ .
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