Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] believe [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Although I believe they are improved as a class , many of them are rough diamonds ; at times they are light-fingered , they are not invariably sober , their education leaves much to be desired and it is impossible to allow them the run of the works after closing hours .
2 And although I believe he was referring to a certain kind of abstract thinking — the kind that reduced the English Hegelian tradition to a lyrical hymn to the Absolute , and of which his own thesis on Bradley of 1916 came very near to imitating ( which is why he declared , on its publication in 1963 , that he did not pretend to understand it ) , he possessed an outstanding capacity for reasoned argument .
3 I mean no disrespect to the geriatric branch of the hospital service nor to the domiciliary services or the rapidly increasing old people 's houses and homes provided by local housing , health and welfare authorities when I say that I believe we are still groping and fumbling with this problem — all of us , social scientists and politicians alike .
4 It is just that I believe they are probably more rare than is claimed .
5 Ltd. v. B.O.A.C. [ 1955 ] A.C. 169 , 191 , Lord Reid stated that if the arguments are fairly evenly balanced ( not that I believe they are in this case ) , that interpretation should be chosen which involves the least alteration of the existing law .
6 Now some of you were nodding there and some of you were smiling , it might be that you actually would quite like to say you know that I believe it 's wrong for people to be born disabled , handicapped .
7 Should you try this version and register you will receive regular updates anyway so I believe it is worth a look .
8 ‘ Tell him that you believe there is someone moving below .
9 Although we believe there are fewer women coaches than men in Scotland , the Council does not have the figures .
10 ‘ The idea is that we believe there is a higher force within everyone so there is a chance for change . ’
11 Of course , there is still one sense in which Derrida and de Man are wrong : in that they believe they are arguing aginst Austin .
12 Some sort of coven or a secret society , and I believe they are all party to it .
13 Erm , they have had internal discussion and I believe they are not going to do anything until they get a prompt from Jenny , 'cos that 's what they 're expecting .
14 M M My Lords , i it is important that whatever is taught to a child between the ages of five and eleven that the child is able to benefit from it educationally if the child is , is overloaded as it were by being presented erm a curriculum that they simply can not manage , then that 's going to create confusion , but it 's also important to say that one of the erm er objectives of this whole exercise is to underpin all education , both morally and spiritually and I believe we 're doing a great deal to get that right .
15 ‘ We are conscious , ’ John Page concluded , ‘ that our costs put quite a burden on some of you , and I believe we are going to have to look at that aspect of the ‘ level playing field ’ because we know you think this unfair as not all countries are in the same position .
16 I am extremely playful in that sense and I believe it 's the only form of fun possible in a world which is n't always much fun .
17 And I believe it 's with Richard
18 And I believe it 's a facility that 's , you know , is now lacking in Southwell .
19 When Christians hear that they usually think it 's spelt S O N but it is n't , it 's S U N and the Sun of Righteousness er with healing in his wings , so Freud says and I believe it 's actually this seen it , it 's very common on Egyptian monuments it 's a picture of a sun er with , with wings , with rays shining out of it .
20 So you took that out when you were twenty , and I believe it 's er , finishing when you 're fifty .
21 To increase from three weeks to six weeks , and I believe it 's important to respond to district and borough councils when we 're trying to co-operate with them .
22 ‘ It is a risk , but it 's something I have wanted to do for some time and I believe it is feasible .
23 ‘ I believe this is the only country in which there has been a national acknowledgment of God 's directing Providence in the cholera , and I believe it is not a mere outward form but that more and more are becoming every day religious . ’
24 And I believe it is something in which we should all be involved .
25 I touched earlier on some of the reasons why we find open behaviour in this country so difficult and I believe it is partly to do with emotion .
26 And I believe it is a church favoured by yourself ? ’
27 Looking back over the last 19 years he said : ‘ Having had the opportunity to set up and develop the education service in Lothian has been enormously challenging and satisfying and I believe it is an education service of good quality with many forward-looking policies now established .
28 Now we in the Harrogate Civic Society would like to see the rest of the district allocation reduced at least to fifty hectares which has something to do with the forecast requirement on the grounds of past take-up , and I believe it is nearer the original figure for the rest of the district floated by the county in the initial consultations before amendment was made to the allocation between Greater York and the rest of the district .
29 He said : ‘ It 's the best legal advice I can give and I believe it is the right advice . ’
30 It is too easy to dwell on the environmental down-side of the industry and I believe it is about time we brought home to people the improvements we bring to their life-style .
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