Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] 'd been [det] " in BNC.

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1 Conditions were better for fishing now than they 'd been all night .
2 If 'e 'd been any bigger , she 'd have had a bad time . ’
3 If she 'd been more of a woman , he believed , she would have meekly accepted his word and left it at that .
4 I do n't know what I 'd have done if you 'd been any later — the girls are getting terribly impatient . ’
5 And of course it would n't if we 'd been more accurately given the address , but
6 This is his final total after he 'd been all the way round St Aldate 's , he went round 73 houses , and he says here , I think this is a sort of hieroglyphic that would probably mean something like 'item' .
7 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
8 Seeing as he 'd been such a pain , I was a little slow going to his rescue .
9 Pulling the tabs on the thermal cans to heat up the food , she glanced over at him but he was exactly as he 'd been all day , close yet remote , unreachable .
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