Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] 'd [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 I had no idea you did n't approve of go-go dancing or I 'd never have taken you there . ’
2 I thought you were an experienced professional or I 'd never have let you go in the first place !
3 ‘ A good thing you were near Gullholm when the engine failed or you 'd never have survived . ’
4 ‘ Little did she know that she had just landed one of the world 's greatest exponents of ‘ leap before you look ’ as a buyer , or she 'd probably have persuaded you to buy London Bridge and a stake in a Peruvian gold-mine at the same time . ’
5 He ca n't have told Sister , or she 'd never have pitched you straight into the A.R.R. Unit .
6 ‘ The new owner of the Enderley estate is a hard man , or he 'd never have the heart to turn her out , even if he does want her cottage for a gamekeeper .
7 Francis understood all of this , of course , or he 'd never have done it .
8 It 's the same as that place in Australia where they have n't seen rain for seventeen years , I mean there 's children who are grown up now at college have never seen a spot of rain , I 'd hate that I 'd rather have our , sometimes dismal climate .
9 ‘ I actually won quite easily when I expected that I 'd still have a lot to learn , ’ he explains .
10 A real home with animals , and a huge fire where you can roast chestnuts on winter evenings , and a studio with lockers built in , so that I 'd never have to tidy up ! ’
11 ‘ You 're a much better actress than I 'd ever have given you credit for , Aurora .
12 But consideration apart , Josie 's answer was the one that she 'd probably have given anyway .
13 Now most of her contacts were out-of-town businessmen , far more scared of comebacks than she 'd ever have to be .
14 So sorry can I just ask , so in effect you have n't shifted your ground from the view which you expressed in paragraph three point six of your submission where you 've just confirmed in fact that you 'd rather have a proper or the ability to make a sort of proper measured allocations , part of which would make provision or allow the facility to cater for major inward investment ?
15 ‘ It 's told me things that you 'd never have admitted in a hundred years . ’
16 I was so obsessive about most things that we 'd quickly have got bogged down in details if I 'd had my way .
17 Lydia , picturing Hywel 's dark eyes , thought that he 'd probably have put up with a great deal rather than have strangers in his house .
18 Now that Pearce had openly stated that the evidence had been planted , he was n't reacting in the way that he 'd ever have guessed .
19 You see , he is adaptable , and has managed to fill his days and pay his way by having a go at a variety of jobs that he 'd never have contemplated three or four years ago .
20 It was just a pity , he thought , that he 'd now have to sit tight here , while his men were facing the enemy .
21 This tightens his corner exit line and gives more room than he 'd otherwise have to unleash as much power as possible , as soon as possible .
22 I do n't want to spend too long — there 's a lot else to do in London and I 'd rather have the autopsy before I ask too many questions .
23 ‘ I sometimes use an ambient mic on guitars , but I find that it can make things sound a bit too boxy and I 'd rather have the choice on the mix if I want to add a bit of ambience .
24 And I 'd rather have coffee than tea … ’
25 And I 'd rather have the things I used to see than your phoney talk any day .
26 And I 'd never have thought Buckmaster capable of such a human remark .
27 I 'd have found some boring ordinary job and paid off the cops and you 'd have your new crystal and I 'd never have met Marco and his pals and I 'd be a happier woman today .
28 You could do okay you could do that and then you would have used up all the oxygen and you 'd just have nitrogen left , but burning something in a liquid in liquid air is gon na be a bit awkward , it could n't be done .
29 is that basically erm you you go and work as a dogsbody and erm graduates are allowed to take the exams within two years and and you 'd probably have to go on night school thing or something
30 if you were born in the Mediterranean you would of been eating that stuff anyway and you 'd never have , think about it
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