Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] could [adv] stop " in BNC.

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1 I think the worst thing was that I could n't stop shaking .
2 I suppose the most annoying thing was that I could n't stop saying ‘ sorry ’ all the time .
3 I could see that Estella was still proud , and I knew that it was she who made me feel ashamed of home , and Joe , but I also knew that I could never stop loving her .
4 Jessamy was so shaken by his quietly spoken reply that she could n't stop herself from over-reacting .
5 And that she could n't stop thinking about him now was infuriating , never mind that the thoughts were angry ones and not the sloppy , sentimental stuff that had made her weep the first few nights after she 'd left Rome .
6 She had been in the habit of anxiety and tension for so long that she could not stop now , merely because the menace was being taken away .
7 Jill , counting , leafed through ten-pound notes , smiled , nodded , her mouth moving to indicate that she could not stop .
8 But , once she began thinking along those lines , she was horrified to find that she could not stop .
9 When she saw that she could not stop him she tried another tack .
10 Not that she could entirely stop thinking about Joss Barnet .
11 She could no more walk away from him now than she could voluntarily stop breathing .
12 They were not the illegal so we could n't stop them from delivering them .
13 One solution would be to shut up and keep a low profile ; Jeremiah tried to do that , but … discovered that he could n't stop speaking .
14 But his hands were shaking so much that he could hardly stop himself knocking the food off the plate .
15 I could n't eat , because of the cuts , could n't drink — they were feeding us milk through straws — and my face was beginning to get septicaemia as we lay in this hut with just this little oil- lamp , and the mosquitoes at night would come and sit on the wounds , and I could n't stop thinking about what was going to happen next in my life , and we had no newspapers and I did n't know what was happening and I could n't cry because it pulled the stitches .
16 But he kept on talking , and I could n't stop myself from hearing .
17 And I went up and down the road and miles away then came back and I could n't stop because this bike was very old fashioned and you had to stop it by pedalling back
18 I fell a d do you remember we went before and I fell and I just sat there and I could n't , they , this erm woman and this man come to help me up and I could n't stop laughing , they could n't get me up .
19 He was being sick right and he was hanging over the banisters like this these flats and I could n't stop laughing .
20 I was on the limit and I could not stop when he braked .
21 Then I wished I had asked him to walk with me to the coach , and I could not stop crying .
22 My other half switched on teletext after about 15 mins and I could nt stop myself from looking … still 2–0 .
23 Erm if I could just stop there for a couple of minutes to er make a point about er independent taxation .
24 There was a nasty loud noise in her head , and a strange feeling started moving up through her body from her feet until she could n't stop shaking .
25 Carrie tried to mop up the mess with the edge of the table cloth and put a mat under the worst of it to stop the damp marking the table , but her hands seemed all thumbs and she could n't stop crying .
26 The cold seeped into her muscles and she could n't stop shaking but she would n't look up too soon and betray Ember who was good to her .
27 She guessed that , whatever had been done to minimise the damage , he 'd have a headache by now , and she could n't stop herself feeling an immediate pang of sympathy .
28 I 've done that to Pam and she could n't stop laughing !
29 Tears would not bring him back , but somehow her mind could not register that , and she could not stop the slow salt trickle from creeping down her cheeks .
30 Love was pouring through her and she could not stop it , lying beneath him , helpless to prevent the tears which sprung to her eyes and rolled over her cheeks .
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