Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be certain [that] " in BNC.

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1 No , I do n't mean marathon running , although I am certain that the spectators of the original run from the Battle of Marathon to Athens would be astonished to learn that we regard such things as sports , since the man who ran the original dropped dead on arrival .
2 But all I can say is that I am certain that there is , as I speak , an extraterrestrial presence in the area .
3 Once she was certain that the house was asleep she had climbed lightly out of bed , dipping her face into the bowl of washing water on the table near the door and dabbing it dry with a hand towel .
4 We looked in vain in Siemens AG 's first half report on Monday for any mention of its Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG computer subsidiary , and with all the dreadful economic news coming out of Germany , it began to assume the air of the dog that did n't bark : Siemens said of its overall business that it did not show any revival in the first half , and that continued economic decline affected domestic business and led to a decline in incoming orders , and there was no recovery in its foreign business ; laying it on with a trowel , Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's leading economic advisor was quoted on Tuesday as saying that German workers failed to recognise the danger of high wages in a time of recession , and that German products were too expensive for world markets as wage increases outpaced growth in productivity , and earlier , Siemens Nixdorf had had to rebut a magazine report that its losses would be even worse this year , saying that it was certain that its results would improve this fiscal year ; the article , in Manager Magazin , also said that Siemens was looking for a replacement for Siemens Nixdorf management board chairman Hans-Dieter Wiedig , and added that plans to reduce the workforce to 41,000 by 1995 from 47,200 at the end of February could well be accelerated .
5 He has no comment on why they wo n't pay more — except that he is certain that the city is not becoming ungovernable .
6 and he quotes , as an instance , Larkin 's famous early poem ‘ Church Going ’ ( 1954 ) , where an unbeliever , once he is certain that ‘ there 's nothing going on ’ , enters a country church :
7 Thus it was that Ira Dilworth paid tribute and bade farewell to Emily Carr with the borrowed lines from Thomas Hardy , and I am certain that none would object if I borrow them as my tribute to both .
8 I am quite safe and I am certain that I can escape unharmed whenever I wish . ’
9 There is no doubt that the north has seen the start of many good things in this country and I am certain that it will be the same again with the economic recovery .
10 To a certain extent that was inevitable as a result of the changes that have occurred over the past three or four Governments and I am certain that it will continue to improve .
11 ‘ I think 7pc support for me is a drastic understatement and I am certain that is because of the way the Tories questioned people , ’ he said .
12 I doubt if Andrew , as a Lowlander , ever wore the kilt and I am certain that his skills as a piper were not of a high standard .
13 There 's plenty of room , as you can see , and I 'm certain that two hands must be better than one in a veterinary practice .
14 I assumed McIllvanney had sent a message to Massachusetts asking Sammy to telephone as soon as he reached port , and I was certain that Sammy would jump at the chance of three months ' extra salary , and if he did then Ellen and Thessy would similarly earn their small fortunes .
15 But then , just at the point where my doubts about the external world had become a crescendo and I was certain that revelation was nigh , some glitch would occur .
16 I was not , however , prepared to give an undertaking to bring National Service to an end until I was certain that we had the necessary voluntary enlistment .
17 Next morning Shiona remained in bed until she was certain that Jake had left for the office .
18 She did not enter the sitting-room again until she was certain that he had gone out .
19 And she was certain that whatever was going on in his mind , only the sheltered , leeward aspect would be revealed to her .
20 Naturally you will not want to make any commitment until you are certain that there is no chance he will change his mind and discover that it is after all you he loves .
21 They believed implicitly in the effectiveness of their method of preparing and getting the bone , and they were certain that the bone 's power stemmed as much from the special treatment it had during the ceremony as from the actual jailing or drawing substances with which they afterwards impregnated it .
22 And he was certain that the President had told her not to tell anyone where he had gone .
23 That did not prevent Somerset Maugham , in the sanctuary of a villa in the south of France , from shuddering at the private fantasy of a shaggy-haired mob seizing sudden sway in literary London — an effect , as he imagined , of the welfare state ; and he was certain that their social origins were unprecedentedly humble .
24 A great deal of discussion will be generated and it 's certain that the bulk of the attributes will focus on relationships rather than on curriculum or administrative matters .
25 I do n't know whether it has made any difference , but now we 're obliged to abandon some of our defences and it 's certain that your presence can no longer help us .
26 These three have worked together harmoniously and with some notable successes since Reilly took charge early in 1987 and it is certain that he would want them alongside him again for the hard year ahead , in which Great Britain play 10 Tests , including three World Cup games .
27 These three have worked together harmoniously and with some notable successes since Reilly took charge early in 1987 and it is certain that he would want them alongside him again for the hard year ahead , in which Great Britain play 10 Tests , including three World Cup games .
28 In earlier life he had been in Canada and it is certain that at least some youthful potential emigrants to Canada were inspired by his accounts of life there .
29 And it is certain that the development of level three partnerships is dependent upon not just a rethinking by the sector partners but by government and its role in education and training — a process which has undoubtedly begun , but in a fitful way and without truly fundamental thinking .
30 At the time the thought never entered our heads that there could be any doubt about this , and it is certain that the effect on morale throughout the country was tremendous , especially as for months at a time the war news from other parts of the world was usually bad .
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