Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] claim to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier this month a mass demonstration by radical green activists brought the yard to a standstill for a day and forced management into a face to face meeting with protestors where they claimed to be keenly supportive of the rainforest environment
2 One by one the Parsons ' former friends and acquaintances found reasons not to accept our invitations , and although they claimed to be anxious that we should ‘ get together some time ’ , that time never came .
3 I realised that men in politics had dominated world attitudes for long enough and although they claimed to be experts on everything , my experience showed that they understood very little .
4 Some member States may protest against actions of an organisation that they claim to be outside its powers as , for example , did France and the Soviet Union to the establishment of UNEF and ONUC .
5 He works for a development agency and two of his brothers were killed by Marcos so although he claims to be the least revolutionary of the family , he is fairly well into the issues .
6 The real importance of the Christian religion is that it claims to be true irrespective of how I regard it .
7 If it begins from the assumption of difference and then adduces literacy as the explanation , the argument is open to the same criticism that Goody himself levels at Lévi-Strauss ' dualism ; if , on the other hand , it begins from the assumption that literacy is the crucial source of difference and that the mental differences follow from this , then it is beginning from the very assumption that it claims to be setting out to prove .
8 I discover that he claimed to be the revelation of God himself , the One who shows us what God is like .
9 He must tighten that clause and accept the argument that he claimed to be attempting to grasp , which is to target the offence on violent offenders .
10 and he claims to be er able to move things and do the poltergeist stunt , you know ?
11 If it claims to be true , it must be willing to show the areas in which the evidence for its claims can be examined and found to be true .
12 ‘ I think he 's probably a bit mixed up in matters of doctrine but he claims to be a ‘ true protestant ’ not , as he says , a Lutheran protestant .
13 The magazine could not prove the truth of this statement , which it had sourced to an MI5 report , but it claimed to be able to justify the " sting " of the libel , namely that the plaintiff was a person given to extra-marital affairs , a number of which had been referred to in the article without attracting complaint .
14 The fact is that the building , whilst it claims to be flexible , is fairly inflexible .
15 Whether they claimed to be left-wing , right-wing , or neither at that time .
16 The proponents of the transnational relations approach have a tendency to analyze interactions within systems rather than effects of practices and , though they claim to be transcending the statecentric model , they more often than not permit the state to set the agenda for them .
17 Amelia McLean also pointed out that skill was at stake : " fortunately , the majority of women workers can not see their way to join that union , as they claim to be skilled workers " .
18 Even if the consultants William Mercer Fraser are as good at business as they claim to be and the answer to everyone 's communications problems , the style is a guaranteed turn-off .
19 Are the British as bad and the French as good at sex as they claim to be ?
20 To discover whether Jews were as compassionate as they claimed to be he donned dark spectacles and stuck a notice to the rear window of his Buick : ‘ Careful !
21 Microsoft may be on a limb when it claims to be working alone on connectivity and interoperability between NT and Unix SVR4 .
22 Having examined Christianity , he recognizes that if it is true ( as it claims to be and as the third level promises to show how it can be seen to be ) , it does provide the necessary answer .
23 The book is , as it claims to be , the first real survey of the period , other writers having extracted individual companies or artists from a dauntingly rich and complex panorama .
24 As it claimed to be the functioning government of Vietnam it was hardly surprising that US officers , particularly OSS , maintained fairly close contact with the Vietminh and perhaps there was a genuine basis for the American — Vietnamese Friendship Association ; and when the senior US officer , General Gallagher , was persuaded to sing at one of their meetings and , apparently , broadcast on Vietminh radio , this too was in itself a comparatively innocent exercise .
25 As he claims to be able to speak seventeen languages , it would seem to work .
26 ‘ Well , if Red Hand is as mad as he claims to be . ’
27 That would make him 75 — though he claims to be ‘ only ’ 72 , saying he lied about his age years ago so he could join the army .
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