Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [am/are] told [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Second let us suppose that you are told that for every counter that you place in the jar within thirty seconds you will receive a pound coin .
2 At the end of the public road is a notice prohibiting cars from going further , and I am told that the new owners of the Killilan estate are enforcing this ban fairly strictly but not in all cases .
3 And I am told that it is not advisable to use the same batch of acid for etching copper as has been used for etching zinc because the deposits of two metals in the acid creates erm an unpleasant , noxious , possibly poisonous gas and I do n't know what that would do .
4 It appears that the next stage is to look for suitable sites and I am told that you will be able to provide us with a large scale map of the area for this purpose .
5 There was always political sparring around the bar when these two people were present and I am told that not many rounds were bought , but many rounds were fought .
6 And I am told that another Metro got similar treatment in Newtownards on that Friday evening .
7 If they were n't , and I 'm told that it was Babes In Toyland who were full of doughnuts , then what 's their excuse for sounding like this ?
8 Well , if the weather stays fine you 'll find plenty of nice walks , and I 'm told that the house at Otters ' Bay is comfortable enough these days .
9 I 'm , I 'm under pressure for two decisions , Paul is here to speak to his paper and has to be in Sandwell at two o'clock , and I 'm told that the canteen closes at one thirty .
10 I came as a foreigner and I 'm told that Suffolk people were stand-offish , difficult to get to know and you 'd be a foreigner for years .
11 If I am told that the economy is much worse than the Government has said … there 's something wrong with the way things are run in this country .
12 Sounds like a lot until you 're told that Peavey produces fifty thousand units in the same period .
13 Sounds like a lot until you 're told that Peavey produces fifty thousand units in the same period .
14 It takes nerve to haggle over the small print if you are told that your new colleagues have worked under similar terms for years without batting an eyelid .
15 If you are told that your employment is to end immediately , but that you will be paid salary for your notice period , that will fall within the former category .
16 If you are told that someone ‘ had seen what has happened ’ , that person is more likely to be having questions addressed to them than to be posing questions themselves .
17 So if you are told that your baby is lactase deficient after some routine tests , you should be prepared to question the diagnosis and ask your doctor to help you investigate the possibility of food sensitivity , as described in the following section .
18 2 If you are told that 1 stands for 8 , that is 1 8 , find the value of the following :
19 Because if you 're told that it 's going to get a maximum of three minutes air time , and if the interviewer wants to ask five questions , you think there are five topics that you would like to get in , to make five points , then do a bit of mathematics , and work out how long you think each answer should be .
20 His father 's library was open to him and we are told that his ‘ father set him very early to learn portions of the works of the best English poets by heart , so that at a very early age he could repeat large portions of Shakespeare , Milton , and Spenser ’ .
21 The alleged motive which John did not dispute was that he committed this crime to conceal another crime being the murder of MOIR McILCHENICH widow in Ellister and we are told that the last mentioned murder of the widow was " discovered " ( probably means committed ) by him and others .
22 In the church , the blacks have no hymnbooks , and we are told that even if they had them they probably could not read them , showing that the blacks are oppressed and have no opportunity of an education .
23 They are responsible about their productive processes and they are responsible about the design of car engines and we are told that the market will find ways to deal with this , but surely it can not , for after all the market is mindless , so it can not take into account either the future or the needs and wishes of people other than those who have the purchasing power for immediate consumption .
24 That is to say that both bitmap and vector graphics are supported a la Corel 3 , but a lot faster ( and we 're told that this being a Beta version , there 's a fair amount of debugging code in the software that will slow it down .
25 Again one could draw as it were a sort of a picture of erm one 's true self as a sort of largish lump , er much of which was the body and then within this smaller portion which is the soul , and within that a still smaller portion which is the mind , and then in all of us there is present to us the one , and we 're told that we ought to think about our body , that it is not our true self .
26 We have asked questions about clearing the grass up afterwards and we 're told that would probably be two or three times the amount in the contract and in the actual , at the end of the day you get what you 're paid for , you get what you pay for , and if you do n't provide the resources or you ca n't provide the resources , I should say , then obviously you 've got ta make do with second best .
27 Certainly anyone who has ever had a severe , immediate reaction to a food is likely to react in the same way if they are told that they have consumed some of the same food .
28 I did not hear them say this , but I am told that they do , and if you think what that would mean , I guess , whether you agree about the deer or not , that this is not a sensible suggestion .
29 I have never seen an avocet in Cornwall , but I 'm told that this rare and unique bird has been spotted on these marshes .
30 ‘ Silver , ’ he said , ‘ you 're a scoundrel and a murderer , but I 'm told that I must save you from the law . ’
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