Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [modal v] find [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These include The Oxford Companion to Literature , where you will find information about authors , texts , literary movements , and general historical facts .
2 For all the elegance and elaborate facades , Zurich is a city where you can find value for money , so it pays to be patient and spend time comparing prices .
3 I decided that I could find space for a few really large trees and decided to stock fence in front of the spinney and put in an oak and two beech and three ash well away from the fence .
4 There were many memorable and often moving episodes , indeed , more than I can find space to record , and to Lata Sharma ( Maria ) , David Curry ( Tony ) , Maurice Jay ( Riff ) , Petrea Cooney ( Anita ) , Michael Lally ( Bernardo ) and the others in the cast , not to mention the excellent rival gangs and , of course , the stage crew , my congratulations and heartfelt thanks for a rich and rewarding theatrical experience .
5 It was no less astonishing that she should find room on her emaciated body to engrave in it , by her discipline , the wounds of the son of God … she gave herself such blows that her blood sprinkled the wails … and as she practised this penance daily every night she reopened her bleeding wounds by making new ones …
6 How did she know that she could find sanctuary in the familiar and the ordinary ?
7 We should , however , like to point out that the extra beds will usually be fold-away or camp bed style and that you may find floor and drawer space cramped .
8 These features make index cards easy to organise , and well-organised notes mean that you can find information more easily .
9 It may be that you will find success in alternative or more unorthodox fields .
10 I do hope all is well with you both and that you will find motherhood not quite as difficult a task as I suspect you were anticipating .
11 We enclose a copy of this and we hope that you will find time to read it and see what CPRW has been up to during the past year .
12 It is only when an action or a meeting moves us that we can find joy .
13 The directors considered this , and decided that one payment only was in order because , although they could find evidence of the donation by the man , they could find no evidence of any donation by the horse .
14 Support the families of addicts , that they may find peace in You ;
15 And though most people hold that working in any kind of job is better than not working , it is equally important , and not just for individuals but for society as a whole , that children should be educated so that they can find satisfaction outside their work as well as within it , in things other than paid work .
16 Dr Michael Beier has responsibility for Germany , Austria and Switzerland — and any points that it can find east .
17 For the first time it occurred to Katherine as a conscious thought that he might find life with her mother a trial in ways which did n't only concern her .
18 For example , the doctor who used crutches said that he would find surgery difficult and could not visit patients at home because of access problems .
19 He explained that as vicar of a large parish he had many and constant duties to perform , but that his interest in the deaf was so great that he would find time to advance their interests as far as he could .
20 In the army , he had imagined that he would find comradeship , excitement and adventure in company with men of similar taste .
21 Nearing the end , Pip realises that he could find contentment with Biddy but he soon learns that he is too late as she has already found happiness with Joe .
22 The contents of the saddle-bags he crammed into his wallet but there was more food than he could find room for .
23 These will fade away and I will find joy and enthusiasm for what I do .
24 I do n't know if anybody would ever give me work or if I 'd find time to do it .
25 Erm again you know with the subject matter , provided you can find stuff that does tend to cover the same sort of s topics erm it does n't really
26 Go to the Third Eye Centre tomorrow , and you 'll find bed mattresses bolted to the wall , tarred and feathered , and covered in discarded clothes .
27 for almost any day , and you 'll find news of floods , famines , earthquakes , and any number of other natural and man-created disasters .
28 That stacks up to a quite well specified machine , and you 'll find file operations , particularly , slow on a 20MHz SX if you opt for the HPFS .
29 This month David Stevens passes on his ideas for perfect pergolas , and you 'll find plant profiles from your favourite BBC experts .
30 Any irregularity will put the building out of true , and you 'll find bolt holes do n't line up , making assembly really difficult .
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