Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] accept [det] " in BNC.

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1 It 's for him that I am accepting this honour .
2 I was gon na be happy to move the recommendation sir and anyone who 's aware of the traffic problem in London Road Brandon will , will support that and also sir the figures that in the questionnaire that was sent out support route A , emphatically because you 'll notice that double the people er double the number who returned the questionnaire supported route A as opposed to any of the other alternatives , so , so I think the , the recommendation that we were to accept this morning 's various adequately worded and , and accepted .
3 Once it is accepted that surrogacy is unlikely to cause any serious harm , the idea that it could be used for social rather than medical reasons should lose much of the horror and condemnation with which it tends to be associated .
4 Once it is accepted that management involves technical expertise , the court could , without departing from the existing but anomalous principle that the standard of care is linked to the attributes of the director , impose an appropriately higher standard , given that most executive directors of large companies do have considerable business experience .
5 One consequence was this : once it was accepted that scripture stood alone outside tradition , and could be interpreted correctly by anyone with a pure heart and God-given rationality , it was not too big a step to suggest that the same could also be said of nature .
6 Terms like ‘ expressionistic approach ’ and ‘ figurative equivalence ’ signal the critic 's preoccupation with the issue of likeness for , it would be assumed , if we are to accept these works as portraits there must be some point at which the notion of the subject-sitter intrudes upon the paint-as-surface which is such a prominent aspect of the experience of looking at Auerbach 's work .
7 This is because economic loss can be of unforeseen proportions , can far exceed , in many cases the total contract value , and thus be a risk which it is for all practical purposes beyond the financial strength of most businessmen to assume , particularly if they were to accept such risks routinely in all their business dealings .
8 If it is accepted that ability to consume is the major determinant and indicator of economic status — and that is implicit in the common concern over the ‘ standard of living ’ of different groups in society — then the conclusion must be that retirement is only one of a number of factors that affect economic status , and retirement alone is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for economic dependency .
9 If it is accepted that representative or indirect democracy is at best an inadequate substitute for personal participation , and that everything possible should be done to ensure that the views and wishes of the people are represented as accurately as possible within such a system , it must surely follow that representation should be in proportion to the weight of opinion in the society itself .
10 If it is accepted that between 10 and 17 per cent .
11 if it is accepted that biotechnology is here to stay , how can it be controlled to the best advantage ?
12 Firstly the criteria for the mean electorate size for a European parliamentary constituency has previously been used as a justification for ignoring the case for Cornwall , yet concessions have been made in other areas establishing such constituencies that do not meet the size requirement an that 's because it is accepted that European parliamentary constituencies should be created along the lines of natural communities , communities of identity and communities of interest .
13 These facts are indeed significant , but they are susceptible of a rather different Interpretation when it is accepted that importance and success amongst the ulema in the earlier period did not depend upon one 's position in the hierarchy or concomitant matters like salary or membership of the divan — to anything like the same degree that they did in later times .
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