Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] it is possible " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are looking for a new partnership with the LAS and believe that together it is possible to ensure this vital lifeline goes from being the worst in the UK to being the model service . ’
2 You will see that already it is possible to effect a considerable amount of customisation to what was a factory preset .
3 It follows that technically it is possible to dispense with " truth-talk " altogether , and if so , the alleged puzzles surrounding the concept of truth are shown to be more artificial than real .
4 The difficulty is that although sometimes it is possible to point to an intention to compel action on the part of the target , as when the aim is to prevent employees from working , or to force a local councillor to vote differently , or to stop another organisation from marching that intention is not invariably present .
5 Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally it is possible that I may be mistaken .
6 These two groups of animals are quite unrelated , but both still have living representatives in the oceans , and so it is possible to look at living animals to help with the interpretation of fossil examples .
7 And so it is possible in these few words to dismiss a controversy which has absorbed many pages .
8 When electrical currents flow they produce magnetic fields and so it is possible that these two therapies amount to the same thing .
9 These words are well past her point of failure in the Schonell Test ( that is , ten consecutive errors ) , and so it is possible that she had reached a level of frustration : feeling that all the words were too difficult she ceased to think carefully about whether what she was writing down was likely , and simply put down anything that came to mind .
10 In theory , the Cabinet is still collectively responsible to the Commons , and so it is possible for a government to be defeated on a motion of no confidence in the Commons so that it would be forced resign , call for another general election , and face judgement at the polls .
11 It has been argued that compression of the abdomen increases the ‘ pinchcock ’ effect of the angular incisura and so it is possible that this manoeuvre could actually prevent reflux in some patients .
12 And so it is possible for people to come and live here ,
13 But on the other hand people are interested in the nature of noise , people are interested in neighbour noise , aeroplane noise , motorcycle noise , and so it is possible that , that some of you will , will be interviewed on that kind of thing .
14 We have a 1974 , Series III88 Land Rover ( 2¼ litre petrol ) and apparently it is possible to have a C/R of either 7:1 or 8:1 .
15 A ‘ denial of female sexuality ’ is often seen as the most characteristic manifestation of Victorian prudery and hypocrisy , and indeed it is possible to detect in many of the treatises from the mid-nineteenth century an attempt to challenge its reality .
16 And yet it is possible , as with all great art , to see the copies and to be enchanted again and again with the original .
17 There are a number of areas erm John expression was and yet it is possible to find the monies .
18 It rests on the assumption that it is possible to produce large quantities of almost identical items in a modem industrial process , and therefore it is possible to establish certain tolerances within which quality is acceptable , and outside which it is not acceptable .
19 This has little effect and the courts will still regard the contract as one contract ( albeit a severable one ) and therefore it is possible for a sufficiently serious breach to be a repudiation of the whole contract , Smyth ( Ross ) v. Bailey ( 1940 H.L. )
20 This is because the liberalization process in Japan occurred simultaneously with that elsewhere and therefore it is possible that the variable may also capture any previously rationed investments from other localities .
21 It is known that approximately 30% of benign tumours will become ‘ invasive ’ and therefore it is possible that an increase in protein synthesis , which would be needed for further growth , might herald the development of the malignant phenotype and invasion by the tumour cells .
22 But surely it is possible that the women 's assessments might just as well have reflected their awareness of sex stereotypes and their consequent desire to fulfil ‘ normal ’ expectations that women talk ‘ better ’ .
23 There should , in any case , be a wholeness to the item , even when showing variety , but sometimes it is possible to show variations on one particular technique , e.g. a travelling item .
24 It would certainly be naive just to assume that nerve cells are the same in molluscs as in people , but fortunately it is possible to rely on more than assumption .
25 I believe that it is important to be open to these sorts of dilemmas , to take opportunities to talk about them with colleagues , to try to become precise in our articulations , because then it is possible to unlock the blocked energy and exploit it positively .
26 Not only of course u u unfortunately of course and Sue , Sue mentions there are tragic exceptions to this and one tragic exception i is human beings because unfortunately it is possible for a male human being to force er a female at intercourse because we tend to do it lying down and males are bigger and stronger .
27 Much of it has come from work with animals , for here it is possible to arrange particular experiences at particular ages and subsequently test for their effect on the behaviour of mature animals .
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