Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] in [pos pn] mind " in BNC.

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1 Berkeley infers from this that , lacking experience of such eye-movements , a blind man who gained sight ‘ would , at first , have no idea of distance by sight ; the sun and stars … would all seem to be in his eyes , or rather in his mind ’ .
2 ‘ There is no stigma — or only in your mind .
3 The interview had left him with two clear intentions more firmly fixed than ever in his mind .
4 And inwardly in his mind and in his thoughts , he will survey all the present creation and the worlds that have passed or are still standing ; the years of the world with all the happenings that occurred in it , and the men with their wealth and their power ; the revelations of the [ spiritual ] benefits which were bestowed on the Fathers , and the retributory judgements that took place generation after generation [ or ‘ birth after birth' ] , together with all the various vicissitudes which the affairs of the creation undergo .
5 He turned over the facts again and again in his mind until their monotonous repetition affected him like a dull , nagging pain .
6 That , and the last vestige of pride left to her , because somewhere in her mind grief for Edmund was being overshadowed by a silent warning .
7 Because somewhere in my mind , a mind which boggles with the last-minute sketches and songs and sudden announcements and warm wine and stale sandwiches and endless pacings round the corners of empty dressing-rooms — a still small voice is saying , ‘ Why ?
8 These commercial matters were as much as ever in his mind .
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