Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] times " in BNC.

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1 Do n't forget , too , the Grand Opera House has two score of inexpensive slip seats sold only after ten of the clock on the day and they are excellent seats too — far better than seats at twenty times their price in great opera houses around the world .
2 Although debates may have to take place after 10 pm , the Leader of the House might care to bear in mind that debates at earlier times on major matters would be more appropriate .
3 Fashion and make-up have been with us for a very long time indeed — there are make-up palettes surviving from ancient Egypt — and although men in certain times and cultures may devote a lot of effort to their appearance , it has remained chiefly a feminine domain .
4 One suggestion is that badgers take advantage of the different temperatures and humidities at different times of the year , and support for this has been provided by Dr Roper 's latest badger research , a radio-tracking study with colleague Sean Christian .
5 This is what enables us in historical study to bridge the gulf between the present and the past , to enter into the experience and awareness which are opened up for us in the thoughts , beliefs , practices and social customs and institutions of other times and other cultures .
6 She is the person who runs the home , and in this her position is the same as that of the peasants and craftsmen of former times — for her , too , work and life merge into one another .
7 TRADITIONAL MUSIC , perhaps more than any other , is a music of intimacy , its strength lies in its informality — that marvellous drop-of-a-hat feeling where a session can occur as if by spontaneous combustion — whereupon stylistic and generational gaps are forgotten , consigned to the four winds , as tunes and songs from other times draw both practitioner and casual listener alike into their seductive glow .
8 For example , if the Bushmen of the Kalahari , who live by hunting and gathering , accord a high status to women this , it was assumed , must also have been true of the hunters and gatherers of prehistoric times .
9 It would have assumed a place similar to that of the forerunners of the churches and chapels of historic times .
10 Does an open school mean totally free access to teachers , class rooms and corridors at all times ?
11 By 1902 Hardy was working on a project which owed its inspiration to boyhood memories of local stories and traditions of Napoleonic times , but had first presented itself as a literary theme in about 1875 .
12 Responses include loss of flesh and dry weight , a change in growth of shoots rather than roots , which could affect yields , and changes in flowering times .
13 Wolverton was an area of narrow Nonconformist faith , and our comings and goings at strange times were viewed by some with disapproval and suspicion , especially since we could not really explain the necessity for the shift work .
14 The plants that these animals dispersed may thus be seen as vegetable anachrorlisms and the introduction of horses and cattle in historical times seems to have locally restored the ranges of such trees as jicaro ( Crescentia alata , Bignoniaceae ) and guanacaste ( Enterolobium cyclocarpum , Leguminosae ) , which may fall in this category .
15 Conclusions will tend to be in terms of shifts within the system itself — adjusting the balance between groups , levels and interests of different times .
16 But as elsewhere , we are given a little ‘ staff-room ’ to relax in , and are plied with cups of tea and cigarettes at all times , to make us feel at home .
17 Some are best in the evening , some around midnight , some for two or three hours following dawn , and others at various times during the day .
18 Intellectuals were perturbed by this turnaround and students , previously urged to ‘ emancipate their minds ’ from the fetters of dogma , found themselves once again facing the same old political rhetoric and slogans of former times .
19 What was the view amongst men and women in those times , was preventing having children regarded as a as a woman 's job ?
20 He was very fond of ancient histories , stories and epics of earlier times and heroes .
21 Last year 's winners Imperial were put out after extra time and penalties by five times previous holders White China .
22 Pintail drake ( p. 57 ) the only other long-tailed waterfowl , has quite different head pattern and habits at all times .
23 Governments are well aware that a cycle of economic activity can be very advantageous provided it can be synchronized with the electoral cycle , so that booms occur at election times and recessions at non-election times .
24 Of course , this description is very schematic , covering not only a variety of situations but differences at different times .
25 Though geographers of classical times had predicted the existence of a southern polar continent , exploratory voyages of the 16th and 17th centuries ventured no further than the temperate zone of the southern hemisphere ( Mill , 1905 ) .
26 It does not make sense to charge all users the same rate , for users at different times impose very different marginal costs on society .
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