Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun sg] gave [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Pa bought it at Faversham market where the man gave it away for ten pounds .
2 I thought , in my anxious state , that the orderly gave me a funny look as he left me there .
3 Lorton was relieved that the clutch gave him no trouble : the wound in his leg had been designed to scare him , not to incapacitate him .
4 She remembered what he had said about steering clear of married women , and she decided that they probably were n't , not that the thought gave her any pleasure .
5 A group of young teenage girls once admitted to me that although they frequently complained because their parents insisted that they should be home by a certain time , they recognized that the deadline gave them a useful excuse for not getting out of their depth .
6 It was argued on behalf of the Minister that the legislation gave him an unfettered discretion as to whether to refer or not .
7 An answer that the Under-Secretary gave me on 15 October 1990 suggested that a fair number of warning signals would be available .
8 After an hour he came to a small roadside inn that stood on the crest of a shallow hill and , twisting in his saddle , he saw that the inn gave him a good view of the road right to the horizon so that he would see any French pursuit long before it represented any danger .
9 Gebrec smiled politely , but Melissa had the impression that the announcement gave him no particular pleasure .
10 GHI verdict : Our testers , heavy with cold , found that the vaporiser gave them a good night 's sleep ; even their husbands/partners slept better .
11 If you can prove this question of causation and show that the doctor gave you incorrect advice then your claim ought to succeed , in which case the damages will be substantial .
12 If you can prove this question of causation and show that the doctor gave you incorrect advice then your claim ought to succeed , in which case the damages will be substantial .
13 ‘ I told you that the letter gave me advice on how to deal with the family and that is all . ’
14 Although the merger gave them the chance to start Andy claims they could ‘ never ’ have done it without it — the recession has taken clients and exposure has been ‘ painful ’ on occasions .
15 ‘ … so the doctor gave him some pills , ’ Martin said , ‘ and when he woke up in the middle of the night there was a beautiful girl on his bed … diaphanous nightie , trailing blonde hair , the lot … ’
16 In a third shop I was moderately interested in one particular model until the assistant gave me a global price for a computer , printer and so on .
17 Across the road in Parliament in the late sixties , as Wilson , Castle and Crossman wore themselves out in the cause , as they saw it , of a more modern and socially just Britain , there sat in the Leader of the Opposition 's office a man who not only shared the Jenkins view of workload but was planning exactly what he would do about it if the electorate gave him his chance .
18 At least she would be sale with Lovat and the knowledge gave him some comfort .
19 A Liverpudlian like you , ’ Joe said , and the boy gave him a thumbs-up signal as he ran back to his classroom .
20 Somebody must be doing his mending for him , as she was doing Willis 's , and the idea gave her a stab of pain which she could n't relate to her other feelings .
21 The process of theory taught me how to research , and the substance gave me critical tools .
22 I read the Blues Brothers review and the soundtrack gave me an idea : why not have a soundtrack chart in ZZAP ! ?
23 Fraser 's had two thousand pounds in cash and been allowed lots of time by the airforce , and the army gave him a radio used in the Falklands — the rest he 's done himself with a mortgage
24 The wireless and the cinema gave me such enjoyment that I decided I 'd become an actor , a film star .
25 It is time the public and the press gave it to them .
26 Luke might not , but Folly did , and the memory gave her back the edge of anger .
27 They all shook hands with me , and the Frenchman gave me a bag containing one dozen eggs before I clambered over the wall and into the orchard .
28 In former days the economical cycle hit different parts of the world at different times and the spread gave us a degree of stability .
29 Eventually Balvinder handed over a pocketful of change and the healer gave him a small pot of white powder .
30 When I came out on top I immediately looked to starboard for the Pole Star and was rather shocked to find that it was oil the portside and we were obviously heading east , but by careful use of the engines was able to turn through 180° and the navigator gave me a heading after taking a sight from the astro compass .
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