Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] accord to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Descending a narrow gully that is path or waterfall according to season , you would ultimately attach your rooftop to four bare walls .
2 The back of the recess can then be mirrored to enlarge the sense of space or covered with art or fabric according to taste .
3 The commission recommended , as a step towards integration , that a number of public schools should accept some of their pupils ( eventually at least half ) from maintained schools , using criteria of comprehensive selection and social needs ( rather than selection according to ability ) ; these pupils would receive financial assistance .
4 The relative status and esteem accorded to husband and wife will be roughly equal .
5 He has no background in the computer business but extensive experience in marketing and management according to DEC ; he is also Japanese , in an age when US companies are increasingly moving management to Japanese executives .
6 So educational achievement rather than nepotism offers a background to the respect , status and deference accorded to elites .
7 Windata Inc announced on Friday that it has formed a subsidiary in Israel , which will develop software for management of local and wireless communication systems : the availability of many experts in telcommunications and wireless communication in Israel make the country an ideal place for such research and development according to Greg Hopkins , Windata 's chief executive ; Israel 's privileged relationship with the European Community will provide more flexibility to the subsidiary in the firm 's efforts to penetrate European markets .
8 Even before the ink was dry on the main elements of reform , ‘ there is no doubt that the relative emphasis and priority accorded to democratization appreciably diminished from late 1947 onward or that this was regarded as a betrayal or serious dilution of earlier objectives ’ ( Ward 1968 p.503 ) .
9 The idealism which inspired this Act of Parliament was eloquently expressed in the House of Commons by Alfred Morris , MP for Manchester , Wythenshawe who had originally introduced this measure as a Private Member 's Bill : If we could bequeath one precious gift to posterity , I would choose a society in which there is genuine compassion for the chronically sick and disabled ; where understanding is unostentatious and sincere ; where needs come before means ; where if years can not be added to their lives , at least life can be added to their years ; … where the disabled have a fundamental right to participate in industry and society according to ability ; where socially preventable distress is unknown ; and where none has cause to be ill at ease because of disability .
10 Scouse would give you time and date according to information supplied to him by his previous customers .
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