Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] a month [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nowhere are they more telling than in Ashton 's Enigma Variations where they explain the sympathy felt by Jaeger ( the critic ) for Elgar and his Wife or in A Month in the Country where Ashton communicates the growing feelings of love and frustration of the participants .
2 I remember one of them coming over to see us , and being shocked that after a month from our last meeting we were still in the country .
3 The logical result is that in a month of war more high explosive has been dropped on Iraq than was used in the whole of world war two .
4 ‘ Everything 's more forward here , ’ she noticed , as they went by a line of horse-chestnut trees that were leafy and about a month in advance of those in Mariánské Láznë .
5 He gained the trust and friendship of his comrades by writing their love-letters , and for a month in the pest-house at Henley became the devotedly unselfish nurse of a soldier suffering from smallpox .
6 But for the Munitions of War Act of July 1915 which enabled the Board of Trade if necessary to impose arbitrated settlements on unwilling employers , the union 's policy of patriotic co-operation must surely have failed and within a month of the passing of that Act the waters were muddied by another development which the union considered to be even more sinister — the demand from the " Reptile press represented by the Daily Mail , Times and associate journals " , for conscription .
7 MORAL panic is one of the more enduring items on the domestic cultural menu and in a month of fatal stabbings , horrific child murder and economic gloom , society seems once again all too willing to frighten itself to death .
8 Again , they might be matched when you get 'em , but after a month of use , they wo n't be matched any more .
9 Again , they might be matched when you get 'em , but after a month of use , they wo n't be matched any more .
10 The sum involved , around £3,500 , was small change compared with what was to follow , but after a month in prison Chiesa began to talk .
11 But within a month of its first public performance , John had another premiere , admittedly in the modest circumstances of an experimental matinée , presented by the Royal Academy of Dancing Production Club at the New Theatre on Sunday 15 June .
12 He was 76 , but within a month of his first dose at his home in Shurdington , in April this year he was suffering from jaundice .
13 Lobster thermidor does not take its name from the hotness of the sauce , but from a month of the French revolutionary calendar .
14 It should only include items which increase tension as in Romeo and Juliet or give rise to more fun and happiness as in La Fille Mal Gardée , or enhance the general mood as in A Month in the Country where there is romance in the air and also a general feeling of frustration .
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