Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] whole [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mean arterial pressure was not different between the two groups during the placebo period 98 ( 7 ) mm Hg in enalapril group v 97 ( 9 ) mm Hg in hydrochlorothiazide group ; p=0.9004 ) or during the whole treatment period ( 88 ( 7 ) mm Hg in the enalapril group and 90 ( 7 ) mm Hg in the hydrochlorothiazide group ; p=0.5263 ) ( fig 2 ) .
2 Was the figure of 40,000 million gallons of flood water to which James Rougvie refers passing Perth in an hour , a day or during the whole period of the flood ?
3 The system can be searched by author , title or pupils 's name , as seen with LIBRAFILE above and overdues can be produced for a pupil , a class or for the whole school .
4 One of the decisions you have to make is whether to have the entertainer for just an entertainment slot or for the whole party .
5 They are now looking for a good buyer who would be willing to continue their lifetime 's work , and either buy the stock separately , or as a whole package complete with factories .
6 One minute of questioning ( in pairs , small groups or as a whole group ) to try to make someone say " Yes " or " No " .
7 Little or no account is taken of such corporate entities as manufacturers ' associations , the City of London and the educational system ; or of the whole range of institutions which sustain the British social system .
8 Images could then be viewed as still sequences ( Fig 1 ) or displayed as a continuous real or accelerated sequence or ‘ movie ’ loop , or parts , or of the whole study .
9 A colour can be replaced for just a single stitch , across a complete row or throughout the whole design .
10 Transgenic animals with deleted or mutant tumour suppressor genes provide an elegant model for correction of inherited predispositions to cancer by gene transfer either into particular tissues or into the whole organism .
11 Whether it is done in groups , with individuals or with the whole class , everyone viewing should be involved in a positive way in carrying out the evaluation .
12 The indistinguishability of the housewife and her work provides , if anything , a motivation to be satisfied — whether with cleaning specifically or with the whole complex of housework activities generally .
13 In addition , reading programmes should certainly include shared experiences , whether in small groups , or within a whole class .
14 But when one sees the whole lot in full flower all at once in one individual or in the whole family , one comes to accept the concept of denial as a prime component of " the family illness " in which the family member is addicted to self-denial and caretaking for primary sufferer and even ( amazingly and hotly denied ) addicted to the continuation of the status-quo despite all its desperate features , just as the primary sufferer is addicted to the continuation of his or her own drinking or drug use despite its desperately damaging consequences .
15 Remember that any part of the poem can be read by one person , or two — or by the whole group .
16 I want that for the whole club , but firstly for the fans , who 've been superb .
17 A comparative example provides another good illustration ; in 1959 , we are told , French archives of diplomacy already held more documents for the years since 1914 than for the whole history of French diplomacy backwards from that date to its foundation under Richelieu .
18 If the husband did not fulfil his obligation to maintain , then on balance it was considered preferable for the wife to go out and earn than for the whole family to become chargeable to the Poor Law .
19 Outings to concerts or the cinema , and gardening and outdoor work are also likely to be more popular with one or two people on their own rather than with a whole group .
20 Never mind that in the whole country there is only one functioning synagogue , with a congregation so small and old that it sometimes can not muster a minyan .
21 The analysis of arrest rates ( males aged 11–35 ) showed that in the whole city , Blacks had higher rates than Whites , but when the areas were grouped into those with less than 10 per cent .
22 Although on the whole wages in the iron industry were good , real earnings would not have been high enough to produce a tangible effect on the structure of taxable wealth .
23 In older working class communities , where neither housing conditions nor wages permitted such total devotion to housewifery , it nevertheless appeared that on the whole standards of housekeeping were high .
24 The fact that on the whole constituencies tended to return MPs on distinct party platforms , even on occasion issuing instructions to those chosen advising them how to act once in Parliament , has led to the conclusion that the electorate played a large part in perpetuating the intensity of party strife at Westminster .
25 And I think that the argument has been that on the whole discipline the use of discipline simply to punish drinking is n't going to be appropriate , although there may be forms of behaviour produced by excessive drinking that it 's appropriate to act against .
26 Supposing you have taken part in an evaluation exercise and some conclusions have been mutually agreed , do you find that on the whole people are prepared to change their habits presumably in some cases habits built up over many years ?
27 Compare that to a whole forest in the UK that may contain just a few species .
28 Comparisons between the three race groups were between those living in the same small areas i.e. in roughly the same circumstances , rather than over a whole city or London borough .
29 There can be no doubt that over the whole range covered by these attempted distinctions there are substantial differences of immediacy and perception of use and need .
30 In my own turfs we are quarrelling among ourselves with intense energy about whether women can be ordained priests , about who is more Catholic than their neighbour and about a whole host of internal issues , because we apparently have neither the grace nor the guts to face up to the real issues which are the business of the Church in the current world .
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