Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] she reach the " in BNC.

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1 The yellow steps rose in steep flights but now it was clear that when she reached the top she would also be at the bottom , starting out .
2 Joseph noticed that she avoided passing close to the iron grilles closing off the between-deck areas of the ship and when she reached the stern she gazed into the jungle for a moment , then closed her eyes and lifted her face to the gentle warmth of the morning sun .
3 Sycorax fainted , and Ariel bent her cheek to the discoloured cheek of the old woman and licked the salt that fell in her tears , and when she reached the cabin took her inside where the rush screens would keep the flies off her wounds , and made her as comfortable as she could on the ground , with fresh dressings on her burns , a cool soaked cloth on her forehead .
4 And when she reached the path down to the farm she began to run .
5 Eventually the time came when she could n't delay going downstairs any longer , and when she reached the kitchen she discovered that the visitor had left , and that Silas was examining the contents of the fridge .
6 Ace moved after him , ready to demand an explanation of where he was going and how he knew there was a cemetery , but before she reached the doors , they closed of their own accord , and the time rotor began its stately rise and fall .
7 But when she reached the vicinity of her garden she was seized with a sudden embarrassment .
8 She intended to go straight to the second floor and find a policeman she could tell about the keys , but when she reached the first floor landing she veered into the newsroom instead .
9 Even as she turned towards the staircase she was still trying to come up with a good reason for not sleeping in his bed , but when she reached the top step she turned with a resigned sigh towards his room , too bone weary to argue any more .
10 But when she reached the office she found concentration to be almost impossible , and within a short time she became impatient with herself .
11 But as she reached the door , one hand on the door-handle , suddenly an iron band clamped round her arm .
12 But as she reached the back door , the sound of a loud , angry voice stopped her in her tracks .
13 She shuddered , and ran like the wind down the stairs to escape , but as she reached the hall the door flew open and Penry burst into the house , his face alight at the sight of her .
14 But she discovered she had delayed too long , for as she reached the hall , there before her , and as cool as you like , was Naylor .
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