Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] greatest [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 I escaped with a few scars and I have no doubt that my greatest support was the knowledge that I was n't economically dependent on my family .
2 There were many highlights in her career as a campaigner for women 's rights , but it may be that her greatest contribution was the way she inspired others .
3 Herbert Matthews , who was close to the Cuban revolutionaries from the late Sierra Maestra days , wrote that ‘ I made up my mind early in the revolution on the basis of many talks with all the top Cuban leaders that their greatest preoccupation was the conviction that the United States was determined to overthrow the Castro regime ’ ( Matthews : 1969 , p. 171 ) .
4 He himself would probably have claimed that his greatest achievement was to be able to predict accurately where and when a particular cuckoo would lay its eggs .
5 King lived in an age when growth rates changed only slowly so that his greatest concern was the possible end of the world !
6 He had a formidable reputation as a hard , cryptic , ruthless man whose god was perfection and whose greatest intolerance was for any weakness or sentiment which undermined it ; but there was something in his face as he looked at me which was very like kindness .
7 He was a lifelong Congregationalist and believed in the gospel of work and strict self-discipline , although his hospitality was renowned and his greatest pleasure was shipboard life on the great Atlantic liners .
8 His wife , who had never left her place , waved as she left , but my greatest reward was in the last shadowy glimpse of the back seat where little arms twined around the dog , hugging him ecstatically , and in the cries , thankful and joyous , fading into the night .
9 Eva and Esther were prominent in campaigns on behalf of pit brow workers , flower-sellers , and barmaids , but their greatest success was in attracting large numbers of women from the working class to the suffrage movement .
10 But his greatest achievement was in the study of mathematics and logic with his paper , The Relation between the Logical Theory of Classes and the Geometrical Theory of Points ( 1890 ) , which anticipated and even extended arguments later propounded by Bertrand ( third Earl ) Russell [ q.v. ] in The Principles of Mathematics ( 1903 ) .
11 Sometimes it worked , sometimes they simply shouted abuse , but his greatest success was when he addressed the Welsh League of Youth Eisteddfod at Aberystwyth in Welsh , having studied the language for just six weeks .
12 But our greatest find was the friendly Dolphin pub , serving excellent local seafood , and with a games room for children of all ages .
13 We had been looking forward rather to this little drive between East and West Tarbert , but our greatest pleasure was when we stepped safely down at the pier where the little Islay steamer " Fingal " was waiting to carry us to this island of Jura .
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