Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] stood at the " in BNC.

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1 Having been gently reminded by Lady Rutherford , ‘ We are all philanthropists here ; we do not need to put our hands up if we wish to speak ’ , William Morris completely forgot his shyness and at one stage became so carried away that he stood at the front of the room shaking hands with himself .
2 I saw him a few times more after that , in the months that followed , coming slowly up the lane from the station , as Millie and I stood at the gate .
3 She called again , moving out through the gate until she stood at the top of the lower garden that sloped down to the bay .
4 She turned up when Laura was married in 1984 and she stood at the back of the church because she did not want to detract from the bride 's big day .
5 He went down the stairs , and she stood at the top of them screaming .
6 And they stood at the door , and of course he come home with his cap in his hand , he said er they said oh what you do how you got on today ?
7 The fertile combination of theory and practice was his own , however , and he stood at the head of a great group of people working on the new phenomena of electricity .
8 Alain came in as the doctor 's car left the house and he stood at the foot of the bed and regarded her sternly .
9 As he rushed onwards it lengthened and curved , until he stood at the edge of a cold volcanic cauldron , looking down at the mountain 's secret , a still , dark lake which gleamed green at the foot of the crags .
10 Sean and Michael were there too , but they stood at the back looking usher-smart in new suits , and keeping a professional eye on the collecting plate .
11 Happiness , I knew , was not something she thought much of as an end : it was as if she had said , I 'm glad you do n't mind being poor , and , although when I replied to her , it was only to tell her about the baby , Thomas , and how he had put on five pounds and had cut his first tooth , I brooded over what I might have said while I stood at the sink or pushed the pram , making great , windy speeches in my mind , venting on my absent aunt the curious , unreasonable anger that seemed to rise up before me like a dark pit , bottomless and frightening .
12 It was after eight-thirty and in a few minutes the family would sit down to eat while she stood at the end of the table , still working .
13 When I stood at the doorway , hesitating to dash into the pouring rain , I could see that the landscape had moved with the date .
14 Employing a lounge-lizard gait , he swaggered towards me as I stood at the bar waiting for my Coke .
15 And then he was pushed roughly on , and suddenly , inexplicably my mind was filled with a vivid picture of Christ looking down at me as I stood at the foot of the cross .
16 Images of animals huddled together for warmth , safety and companionship floated into my mind as I stood at the side of this man , watching him examine firearms .
17 When he left , we watched from the Met Office windows as she stood at the salute on the edge of the perimeter track , until his aircraft was out of sight .
18 The tears had run down her face as she stood at the sink , washing up after tea .
19 And as she stood at the window she seemed to hear again , as clearly as she had heard it two days before , the sound of Henrietta screaming .
20 Now Sam looked at his wife as she stood at the end of the long , dark-panelled bedroom , her back to the window , beyond which olive trees rustled in a hot breeze .
21 It must , thought Fenella , snatching the spell off the wall and holding it between her hands as she stood at the silver door , waiting for an indication that the Robemaker had gone .
22 They stopped talking when Groa entered , and she could feel their eyes on her back as she stood at the window , watching .
23 Ilse Huber recognized him at once from his file photo as she stood at the barrier beside the security police .
24 " You 've no imagination , " Graham said the other day , as we stood at the window of what was going to be the baby 's room , and looked out at the muddy patch behind our house .
25 Jo slipped an arm around my waist as we stood at the foot of the stairs .
26 When they stood at the curb to cross the road her back ached for the support of his hand in its pit .
27 ‘ The front door ! ’ said Rose , mightily impressed , as they stood at the top of a flight of wide stone steps , flanked by funerary urns , which led down to the drive .
28 Just four weeks ago , as they stood at the dockyard gate he had said , ‘ Ta-ra well , girl . ’
29 The wedding day was typical September weather , with clear blue skies and mild sunshine falling through the church window , to shine on Anne and John as they stood at the altar .
30 ‘ Where you 're concerned the Milettis got it wrong again , ’ the magistrate remarked to Zen as they stood at the door .
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