Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] gave they [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or he gave them the impression that he wrestled , with limbs contorted , in the effort to seize hold of what truth could be found .
2 There were a lot of young drunks staggering about , too — most at that noisy and unattractive stage where they might want to be your pal or pick a fight or just throw up on you , so I gave them a wide berth .
3 I was scared of them but I was n't going to let them get away so I gave them a good run for their money .
4 I went around being nice to children for a while , being a sort of modern Pied Piper , but I learnt that they 're a manipulative lot and crazy for money , literally crazy for it , so I gave them the elbow .
5 Now you could say that was perhaps maintenance , but it 's all been cleaned , it 's been repointed , there are new lanterns , they 've done all the paintwork and they made such a beautiful job of it , it 's really almost for the craftsmanship and the care that we gave them a certificate for that as well .
6 Room maids also suggested improving the honeymoon suite , so we gave them a project to look at suitable fabrics and rival hotel suites .
7 She says that they gave them every assistance possible .
8 Bacteriologists immediately recognised that it gave them a unique opportunity to study the evolutionary processes governing bacterial resistance — as a synthetic antibiotic it could not be influenced by preexisting resistance genes .
9 Some , however , did receive Him and believed in Him ; so he gave them the right to become God 's children .
10 I said to them it was placing the team and the ARFU in a terrible situation and I gave them a 5.30 pm deadline otherwise the tour was off .
11 We concluded by singing the carol O Come all ye Faithful and I gave them a blessing .
12 When Victor and I gave them the slip at Victoria station they knew we were onto them .
13 She has got in ( and out of ) problems with drugs , alcohol and a quasi-religious cult : ’ I was brainwashed and I gave them an enormous amount of money , ’ she says with a shrug .
14 At Oxford I discovered that most people were only too willing to be friendly if I gave them a chance .
15 If I gave them an order to couple up a full line of maybe ten coaches , I would n't take it for granted that they 'd done it , I 'd walk up the coach , one walk up one side , down the other side and I would n't If there were a heating valve not open , if they forgot that you see , I would n't do it for them , I would go back and I 'd say , that S K third from the back end , the heating valve is not pulled down , you 've missed it , you 'd better When you 're up that way , just pull it down you see .
16 There are lots of ways to walk to Fort William if that 's what you fancy , except now one of them is littered with lots of wooden posts with painted thistles , and hundreds of people trudging about who never thought of walking to Fort William until someone gave them the West Highland Way guide book for their Christmas .
17 They showed this to Auntie Lou and she gave them a frame so that they could hang it in their bedroom , but they did n't look at it much .
18 The doors to the three lavatories were open and she gave them a quick inspection .
19 The little group of guests gathered at the bottom looked marginally startled by her somewhat unorthodox behaviour , and she gave them a lame smile .
20 I mean we did a lot of things that other people probably did n't do , I always remember next door to us at one time the curate of the St Mary 's church , er , who is er , he is now Bishop of mm , gosh , he 's a up in Nottingham way , Bishop of something or other , we met him at a , at a do not so very long ago and he 's just the same , he 's marvellous and he was the curate and they were as poor as church mice and er in relation to them we were really well off you know , and er they had hardly any fires or anything and we gave them an electric fire to heat their place up and er when we met him , it was last February at a , a do of one of the research engineers from where I was work working the last job I had and er , he said I 've still got the electric fire
21 If we gave them the five hundred , we wo n't , we are within , having said that , we 're not going to give everybody everything , I do n't think .
22 They could have told you what they meant by them and they gave them a currency in terms of their own conduct .
23 a sociality room whatever , whatever they call it and er , and they gave them a good do really
24 But Roxburgh has every confidence in his men , and he gave them a lesson in economics by way of illustration .
25 The ten-point margin reflected the Police 's overall superiority and it gave them a deserved triumph in only their second appearance in the final .
26 The New Towns Act , 1946 , provided for the designation of sites for New Towns ; the setting up of development corporations for their development ; and it gave them the range of powers they would use .
27 It was sweet revenge for Flintshire , who lost out in the corresponding fixture last season , and it gave them the perfect start as they bid to recapture the North Wales county crown .
28 seventeen thousand pounds if he gave them a free cup of coffee .
29 The local policeman took it in hand , and nobody grumbled , if he gave them a good clout .
30 I said I was n't sure , but I gave them a phone number which I knew to be Nassim 's office above a leather warehouse in Brick Lane .
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