Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] looked down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But although he looked down on Nuri he also looked up at him , and because of that Nuri had a unique ability to touch Mahmoud on the raw .
2 Soon , the spaceship left Earth , and everyone looked down at the burning planet .
3 The second I walked off the set , a wave of pain hit me and I looked down at my grazed shins and one swollen knee .
4 High on a mountain we paused and I looked down on Lough Nafooey , a lake lying far below us .
5 Her shoulders stiffened and she looked down at her folded hands .
6 But suddenly her voice slowed and she looked down at her hands .
7 Shadows of indecision flitted across her face , and she looked down at her feet , but the bitterness was seeping away like the ugly water from the trench where her father 's coffin lay .
8 And she looked down at her work-worn shoes , half afraid to meet his eyes .
9 Nothing moved , but the world tilted , and she looked down into eyes that registered he had felt it too .
10 She had her key ready and he looked down at her for a minute .
11 As they stood patiently in a doorway waiting for the column to pass , Catherine turned to say something to McLeish and he looked down at her for a long moment .
12 Holly stood beside a poorly dug hole and he looked down at a T-shaped junction of pipes and saw that the screw-fastened aperture that gave access to the pipe join and its subsidiary were swathed in doth and knotted around in plastic sheeting .
13 And he looked down at his leg .
14 Pumfrey noticed that a slight flush came into Pickerage 's face , and he looked down at his hands , clasping and unclasping themselves nervously in his lap .
15 She shrugged his hand away and glared up at him , her pale face a trifle flushed , and he looked down at her with sardonic interest .
16 It amused him even more and he looked down at her quizzically as she wrenched her arm from his grasp .
17 The glare left his eyes and he looked down at her uncomprehendingly .
18 Jane smiled cheerfully , so that he thought she was being charitable , or even contemptuous , and he looked down at his hands .
19 " Some people are best left alone , " said Gabriel , and he looked down to where the eldest and the middle brother were lying peacefully under their beautiful tree , with its green leaves , and its glossy fruit , and the white blossom falling like snow .
20 ‘ There 's no need to ask if you enjoyed that , ’ Ven commented as they left the bridge and he looked down into her eyes , which were shining with pleasure .
21 Rory could n't suppress a soft chuckle at the thought , and he looked down from the stepladder at the sound .
22 For bisexual Dana , it was something to be proud of , and he looked down upon my inferior condition .
23 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
24 She was startled when he took her hand impatiently and moved it and some small hurt must have shown on her face at his swift action because he looked down at her frustratedly .
25 Hesitantly she picked up the soap and began to soap the expanse of his chest , while he looked down at her .
26 For a brief while he looked down at her from his superior height .
27 Yes well the , the question is that I notice in the assets that investments at cost were twenty five million , the present market value is twenty eight million , indeed since that 's been written it may even be more and when I looked down to the other side of the accounts , I noticed interest on capital of twelve hundred and four pounds and I wonder where the interest from the twenty eight million has gone to .
28 We were walking along the promenade feeling really good in our best gear , when I looked down at my feet .
29 And when I looked down at my ankle they 'd put this label on me . ’
30 Like our poor parliamentary candidate , I would have no chance of being elected , but it would be a beginning , though perhaps one I would have despised several years earlier when I looked down on parish-pump politics and intended to be the first woman prime minister .
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