Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] 's true that " in BNC.

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1 They come from all parts of the country , although it 's true that a function organised by one particular branch will tend to attract mainly members from that area .
2 I mean I think I 'd like to comment on the way some of the discussion was going earlier , because although it 's true that it 's largely men who are seen as creating the problem , there are certainly large numbers of men in positions of authority in the university who are very concerned about it , and who have been led to re-examine their own behaviour , and who now comment on how uncomfortable and constrained they themselves feel .
3 Now it 's jolly difficult to follow an argument of that time when it 's read — I appreciate that — but what I think Darwin is actually saying is this , that it 's true that vertebrates , for example — all vertebrates , from fish to ourselves — have a common pattern of a rigid rod down the middle of the back , segmented muscles either side of it , a mouth at the front , a hollow nerve chord on top , two pairs of fins or legs derived from them , but not three pairs or one pair , but two pairs and so on .
4 And it 's true that , without ever resorting to circus gimmicks , Armani manages to make the world 's sexiest women — Michelle Pfeiffer and Julia Roberts head the list — even sexier .
5 You read in magazines that even top models are often unhappy with their looks , and it 's true that the pressures on us mean we are never allowed to feel all right about ourselves .
6 Well , no , you can not breed Killifish as you would Zebra Danios or Angelfish and it 's true that some are best left to the specialist .
7 " The judge asked how we could possibly do any more with the garden , and it 's true that the only way forward is by making small changes , which we like to do as it gives us so much enjoyment . "
8 Chairman Michael started off on a nice tripartisan note which er I think we on this side er did appreciate and it 's true that this panel er has agreed a great deal , covered a lot of ground and er I think er avoided the sort of er , er controversy etc. , etc. , was which we 're now caring now we are arranging in practical groups does mean the Labour groups has introduced a sound note er Brian started off by saying that the Conservatives er were not interested in an economic development strategy , er I must point out that and this activity derives from the local government managing act nineteen eighty nine , and by the present Government .
9 ‘ Well , if it 's true that I 'm getting younger it 'll probably suit me in that case . ’
10 Even if it 's true that unrivalled new opportunities for AIDS study and drugs testing will result , is it morally OK to deliberately build disease into animals from birth ?
11 Even if it 's true that I would have gone to prison to protect somebody else or make some dubious point about the freedom of the press , I know I 'd only have been doing it to make myself look good .
12 If it 's true that you were so keen to meet me I might satisfy your curiosity completely by reversing my rule to only date brunettes — ’
13 I pretend to believe in living in my room , but it 's true that I am trying to thrust myself on stage .
14 While it 's true that nobody does any work in The Possessed except delivering babies , and true also that Stepan Verkhovensky flowers into a veritable presiding genius of sloth in the guise of footling bustle , nevertheless the reader 's heart is not with Mrs Stavrogin , Stepan 's patroness , when she hisses at him on his deathbed ‘ you futile , futile , ignoble , chickenhearted , always , always futile man ’ .
15 But while it 's true that Woolf 's disapproval of the film 's distinctive angles and extreme lighting contrasts does betray a degree of conservatism and , in his later campaign against The Man who Knew Too Much ( 1934 ) , he was clearly the enemy of anything even moderately original , Woolf was not a simple philistine .
16 While it 's true that an awful lot of eidetikers have problems with communication and some are even autistic , those that are n't do n't tend to be overly neurotic or unhappy .
17 He must have been a very brotherly father , since he was only three years older — though it 's true that he was a Hungarian and a Jew , and by the age of 20 had a thousand years ' experience .
18 ‘ No , you wo n't have to , ’ I told him , ‘ my luck 's on the turn ; it 's going to be a tremendous year , though it 's true that just now one 's recovering from a few debacles . ’
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