Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] was possible for " in BNC.

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1 Because Sandy was embarked on a marriage and a career pointing him in a more conventional direction than mine , planning the sort of life that looked to me to have more obviously evolved from the background I 'd put behind me , it did n't seem to me that he would have had the wherewithal — ‘ morally ’ , as I would have been quick to say then — to help me through my predicament or , if he did , that it was possible for me with my values , to solicit his assistance .
2 Ramsey realized that it was possible for a mind to inhabit a partly unreal world .
3 He reminded North that it was possible for an American to disagree with him on that particular , ‘ and still love God , and still love this country just as much as you do ’ ; although He was regularly asked to do so , ‘ God does not take sides in American politics . ’
4 The Court of Appeal rejected the view that had previously held sway , namely that it was possible for any employee to work both ordinarily in Great Britain and outside it .
5 If either Karen or I had had any idea that it was possible for someone to drown so quickly , we would no doubt have thrown caution to the wind and dived in .
6 Unwilling to follow Merleau-Ponty by dropping the second in favour of the first , Sartre argued that it was possible for man to be both at once through the movement of praxis , that is intentional actions which produce material effects .
7 It is no mere epilogue , but a striking demonstration that it was possible for men and women to co-operate in the printing trade .
8 But more significantly the development and widespread availability of pre-designed packages , such as OCP ( the Oxford Concordance Package ) for concordance construction , and SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Sciences ) for statistical analysis , meant that it was possible for the humanist to become more independent of the computing experts , and to operate with at most low-level assistance .
9 It rested on the myth that the peasantry were instinctively socialist and that it was possible for Russia to bypass capitalism , moving directly from semi-feudalism to socialism based on the peasant commune .
10 The Court 's position had not been made any easier by suggestions that it was possible for the Government to influence its decisions .
11 Marx and Engels did not foresee that it was possible for capitalists to find new markets or cheaper supplies of raw materials and labour in the colonies of the Third World .
12 Their belief that it was possible for the individual to maintain a direct , unmediated relationship with the state made their position additionally vulnerable .
13 As well as the qualitative benefits brought about by greater accuracy and timeliness of information , the efficiency of the system meant that it was possible for the integration of the personnel records and wages departments to be achieved with a 40 per cent reduction in staff , natural wastage and redeployment within the organisation accounting for some 20 individuals .
14 The Fao area was repaired to the extent that it was possible for loading to be resumed at a restored Mina al-Bakr terminal .
15 This talk , too , was very much influenced by French fashions and preoccupations ; and from it Zeinab acquired the notion that it was possible for a single woman to set up house on her own .
16 And maybe then you would like to see society move towards a situation in which the role of women was recognised in such a way that it was possible for them to leave their babies in creches , would you , or
17 Certainly there were part-time specialists operating in settlements like Palaikastro which had no temple , so it was possible for them to work geographically separate from the temple centres .
18 It seems that neither temple nor town was fortified , so it was possible for the temples to grow outwards from the nucleus of the Central Court virtually without restraint .
19 Then someone fell out and it was possible for me to do the Figaro myself .
20 Whatever position I adopted seemed to be the wrong one , and it was possible for certain parts of my body to be relaxed and at rest only at the expense of certain other parts .
21 As at Guiseley , the people walked round the church until it was possible for all to join hands in a big circle .
22 If someone a obviously it 's it 's what I 'm asking is hypothetical anyway because I mean the flats are coming down so no one new can move in , but say you actually if if it was possible for other people to move into these flats and you knew someone and they said erm , You know I 'm thinking of moving into Green flats , what would you say ?
23 Andrew Lamb , prosecuting , asked if it was possible for the explosion to have taken place when someone opened the front door of the house while smoking a cigarette .
24 All we asked was if it was possible for them to come through Halam and go down School Lane to pick to get an extra bus service at Halam .
25 Angie Bowie : ‘ I never realized and had never been involved in who did what , but I suppose that amounts to , if one wants to look at it from Ken 's point of view , being the fly in the ointment , or of one wants to look at it from a real point of view as , in terms of property settlement and management , that I was being David 's manager at that particular time , because it was possible for me to advise him to do something about the things that really troubled him artistically .
26 For this reason she remained at Saint Cloud while the Ministers remained in Paris , since it was possible for them to consult the Regent if they thought it necessary .
27 The relevant circumstances were that : ( i ) the limitation terms had nut been negotiated by any representative body ; ( ii ) the buyers could not have discovered the error ( i. e. that the wrong seed had been delivered ) until after the crop was sown , whereas the sellers were in a position to have known ; ( iii ) the buyers could not reasonably have been expected to cover such a risk ( i.e. of crop failure ) by insurance whereas it was possible for seedsmen to cover their liability by insurance at a modest premium which would not have put up the cost of seeds by very much ; ( iv ) the error could not have occurred without some negligence on the part of the sellers .
28 Gustason indicates that this may relate to attitude and shows further evidence on positive attitudes towards both ASL and Manual English among teachers , The problem which arose among deaf teachers was whether it was possible for teachers to use ASL in teaching .
29 The question is whether it was possible for an ancient Athenian to possess a social representation in this sense , or whether we have to wait until the modern age for social representations to appear .
30 Indeed , I wondered whether it was possible for someone who had not shared in their experience to pass physically through the white gateposts into the avenue , and attain the domain .
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