Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is anticipate that " in BNC.

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1 Although it is anticipated that the initiatives contained in this Plan will have an overall effect in reducing accident casualties across the whole community , it is unlikely that there will be any significant shifts in the disparities between the casualty rates for people living in eligible areas and elsewhere .
2 Six wood veneers in Natural or Surfaced finishes are currently available and it is anticipated that appropriate applications will be for wall panelling and furniture .
3 At present there are 2,500 BasisPlus customers and it is anticipated that the initial take-up for DocXform will be among them .
4 Procedure c ) will require about one hour for each unit of work and it is anticipated that up to three units will be requested at a time .
5 A minimum of self discipline should prevent abuse of this feature , and it is anticipated that the system capacity will be sufficient for the nine lexicographers .
6 Projected start-up is in 1997 and it is anticipated that the gas will be used for local power generation .
7 A meeting has been arranged in the Village Hall and it is anticipated that the scheme will be in operation in the late summer .
8 The review process will continue during session 1988–89 and it is anticipated that the following modules will be revised for session 1989–90 :
9 Development of these is now underway and it is anticipated that a range in a number of occupational sectors will be available for introduction in September 1992 .
10 The Equal Opportunities Officer is now in post and it is anticipated that costs will reduce next year .
11 The 1993 programme is currently being planned and it is anticipated that this will include seminars on bus and coach statistics , road safety statistics , transport finance statistics and ports and shipping statistics .
12 Straightforward leave applications are often decided without an oral hearing ; but even when there is a hearing in order to clarify issues , leave proceedings are meant to be very brief : a recent practice statement requires special notice to be given if it is anticipated that the leave application will last for more than 30 minutes .
13 However , it has been agreed that they should be analogous in structure and language to the National Certificate Module descriptors , but it is anticipated that they may not be so prescriptive in content .
14 The Electricity Council stated : ‘ the cost benefit ratio of installing FGD … would be very high as it is anticipated that the generating costs of a power station fitted would rise 25–30 per cent … ’
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