Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is well establish " in BNC.

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1 Although it is well established from modern observations that the methane content of the atmosphere is increasing at a rate of 1.7 per cent per year , about 600 billion kg , accurate measurements go back only 15 years .
2 The daily schedule is recited almost automatically ; Barbara Lipscombe gives the impression that it is well established and almost never disturbed .
3 All these alternate change and restatement of the theme , once it is well established .
4 Coburn v. Colledge was a case arising from a contract for services and it is well established at common law that the cause of action in such cases accrues when the work is complete .
5 And it is well established that infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio-economic conditions ( and very possibly also of the state of health and medical technology ) .
6 2.35 In claims for the death of an infant child there is rarely any actual dependency but there might be prospective loss and it is well established that prospective loss is sufficient to found a claim by the parents .
7 Even if you want the hips , never let a rose take on this effort until it is well established — three years old at least .
8 But it is well established by authority of this House ( see Atkinson v. United States of America Government [ 1971 ] A.C. 197 , and Reg. v. Governor of Brixton Prison , Ex parte Kotronis [ 1971 ] A.C. 250 ) that , until the enactment of section 11(3) of the Act of 1989 , no such discretion was vested in the English courts in extradition matters , the relevant discretion being vested in the Secretary of State : see Ex parte Sinclair [ 1991 ] 2 A.C. 64 , 80–81 , per Lord Ackner .
9 In the case of someone like Christopher Rouse it is easier , because he is well established in this country , and very well liked by many conductors .
10 If the system does not provide for supervision , then the health authority could be primarily liable because it is well established that doctors need to do their training on the job .
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