Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] stand [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I know exactly who I am and where I stand in the world .
2 You either keep in the light where you can see , or you stand in the dark and fight everything that comes near you , because you can not see and you think it 's an enemy . ’
3 We wandered over Clare Bridge , which always looks as if it is about to collapse , and then up to St John 's , where we stood on the old Wren bridge and talked for some time , gazing at the so-called Bridge of Sighs which connects the old and new parts of St John 's .
4 Conservative Coun Peter Jones said the Dryden affair could have been avoided if both sides had known where they stood from the outset .
5 Earlier , at a London news conference , Mr Ashdown challenged Mr Kinnock and Mr Major to make clear where they stood in the event of a hung parliament .
6 Bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property , the supremacy of the market as a social regulator , the propriety of individual self-improvement and self-advancement , the abandonment of the traditional and irrational where they stood in the way of utility , and a belief in progress .
7 Enabling self-expression allows counsellees to explain to us where they stand at the present time .
8 I therefore challenge candidates of all parties to state clearly and publicly where they stand on the chronic and continuous underfunding of a service which is increasingly being asked to undertake more and more duties .
9 or they stand at the bar .
10 She put her arms round him where he stood on the threshold of her room .
11 Guess we kinda know now where he stands on the issue .
12 And it has to make up its mind where it stands in the matter of the European Community .
13 Dad Tam : " You promise me you will never tell anybody " til " am deed that I stood for the man who made that statue . "
14 Sometimes she dreamed that she stood in the dock of some great court , accused of terrible crimes , at others that she was having to use all her skill to free Anthony of a capital charge and failing .
15 Penry reached out a long arm and drew her in front of him so that she stood in the shelter of his arms as he held the wheel .
16 I outlined what my message had been over the past two weeks and would be at the Party Conference — that we stood by the National Health Service and had no intention of moving over to a new system of finance .
17 Their belief is that we stand at the beginning of an age in which the microcomputer will truly become part of human culture .
18 It is mentioned to indicate that we stand at the start of communication changes and must prepare to play our part imaginatively in the future and not just retrospectively .
19 Relatively little is known of the first great temples , which were built between 2000 and 1900 BC and destroyed by earthquakes in 1700 BC , except that they stood on the same sites as the later temples .
20 Now that they stood in the light , Jehan could see that both of them were blackened by grime and oil .
21 Ideas , according to Berkeley , are particulars whose significance is explained by saying that they stand for the things they represent .
22 No doubt Temple remembered that once they stood on the same platform at Cambridge .
23 In his theology , however , Hooker was not simply a traditionalist ; although he stood within the mainstream of the Calvinist consensus on the issue of predestination , he challenged many of the assumptions held by both credal and experimental Calvinists .
24 Can I just put the point that it stands at the moment .
25 These units could then be regarded as repeatedly subdivisible to the point that the final dimension is so minute that it stands in the same relation to the highest human capacity for feeling as does the single cell to the supreme achievement of cellular development , which is the physical human being .
26 Most would agree that the professed raison d'être of the CpSU is the creation of a society ‘ of a new type ’ ; the basis of its claim to infallibility is that it stands in the vanguard of this process .
27 Base rate was on Sept. 22 further reduced to 9 per cent ( its lowest level since mid-1988 and the first time since 1981 that it stood below the German Lombard rate ) .
28 Although only twenty-two houses were represented the syndicat recognised that it stood for the rights of some sixty Champagne houses , virtually the entire trade at the time .
29 Having been gently reminded by Lady Rutherford , ‘ We are all philanthropists here ; we do not need to put our hands up if we wish to speak ’ , William Morris completely forgot his shyness and at one stage became so carried away that he stood at the front of the room shaking hands with himself .
30 But Gloucester also insisted throughout that he stood for the continuance of Edward IV 's regime , an emphasis which inevitably played down the political significance of the ‘ outs ’ .
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