Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have recently [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Group also organises training courses for young solicitors who wish to join or who have recently joined commerce and industry and strongly encourages participation in such courses .
2 persons relatively new to the industry or who have recently started a new enterprise ;
3 The model predicts that vulnerability factors can only be expected to be revealed amongst women experiencing major difficulties or who have recently experienced a severe event .
4 Jim Clark spends his working day in the store-room of Stoddards Carpets — but in his spare time , he is doing excellent work for Elderslie Boys Club where he has recently arranged a football trip to Holland .
5 Instead of seeing the person depicted on the duckpond surface of the polaroids , he sees an amalgam : this one 's slightly dark upper lip , this one 's nervy legs , this one 's role in Le Médecin malgré lui at the Comédie Française ( where he has recently sat through an excruciating evening of seventeenth-century high camp ) , this one 's intensely white and brown eyes , this one 's professed love of Shakespeare , this one 's part in an erotic thriller ( he can remember her buttocks from that movie , but he ca n't fix them to the right actress without his notes ) .
6 I am concerned that I have recently received from the National Westminster Bank an invoice for £10.58 which they have debited from the Parish Council account for ‘ Audit Certificate Fee ’ , apparently on your instructions .
7 I must tell him that I have recently written to all the representative small business organisations in the United Kingdom asking them to give me examples of where excessive regulation is impeding their business .
8 I think a book that I have recently read and greatly enjoyed was , in fact , Graham Greene 's The Honorary Consul , which is now available in paperback .
9 The motivation of Moore in co-operating with the operation was unclear , although FBI sources suggested that she had recently undergone a religious experience .
10 The fact that she had recently married A E Hook 's senior partner Charles Bullworthy was not a deciding factor , she stresses .
11 So it was interesting to hear this week from Mrs Bolton of Wildlife In Need in the north of our country that she has recently saved the life of a six-month old roe doe fawn .
12 Diana is said to have been deeply distressed by reports that she has recently suffered another outbreak of bulimia nervosa , the binge-eating disease .
13 If you 're worried that you 've recently take a risk , go to the special STD clinic at your local hospital .
14 Some of you may not know that you have recently given me two lovely present , the first , for my birthday , being a beautiful flower arrangement which gave me great pleasure , particularly as I live in the centre of London and my nearest ‘ garden ’ is Regent 's Park !
15 This lack of attention is surprising given the widespread use of graphs revealed in the study , sponsored by the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants , of the corporate annual reports of 240 large UK companies that we have recently completed .
16 The hon. Gentleman will know that we have recently announced a £10 million programme to provide grants to local authorities to enable them to give priority to buses through the construction of bus lanes and by giving priority to buses at traffic lights .
17 Sequencing of yet another cDNA clone H4 that we have recently identified ( Fig. 7 ) , revealed that type III repeats 6–11 including the AD1 could be spliced out .
18 Perhaps the best answer to that question is that we have recently established an NHS research and development directorate , under Professor Michael Peckham .
19 Although they had recently lost narrowly to New Zealand , there was no question that West Indies were now the outstanding team in the world , and they were to continue that way throughout the 1980s .
20 The Vietnamese authorities announced on Dec. 2 that they had recently released two political prisoners , Le Thanh Que , a Roman Catholic priest , and Nguyen Chi Thien , a poet .
21 This is proven by the fact that they have recently given the go-ahead to introduce a wheelie-bin scheme which envisages no recycling whatsoever and at a cost to poll tax payers of £1.25m .
22 This is proven by the fact that they have recently given the go-ahead to introduce a wheelie-bin scheme which envisages no recycling whatsoever and at a cost to poll tax payers of £1.25m .
23 Although it has recently become fashionable to subject judges to ( usually ill-informed ) public criticism , even in Parliament , and although it is no longer unknown for demands for the removal of judges to be voiced in the House of Commons ( as when Sir John Donaldson incurred opprobrium as President of the National Industrial Relations Court for applying the law which Parliament itself had passed ) Parliament has still , in modern times , to remove a judge in this manner .
24 China had announced in November 1990 that it had recently halted such arms supplies [ see p. 37858 ] .
25 The RBI announced on July 18 that it had recently sent a total of 46.9 tonnes of gold from its reserves to the Bank of England as collateral for raising loans .
26 Following the meeting a US military excavation team carried out its first MIA search in Cambodia ; it announced on March 23 that it had recently unearthed some remains which were believed to be of members of US television crews killed in Cambodia in 1970 .
27 Eagle Trust ( the parent company of WS ) admitted on April 17 that it had recently shipped hydraulic equipment to Iraq which could have been used as a recoil system for a gun .
28 On Dec. 9 Pakistan also denied reports , backed by US intelligence officials , that it had recently acquired some two dozen Chinese M-11 guided missiles , in possible violation of the Missile Control Technology Regime ( MTCR ) .
29 Then , during the afternoon he put in a personal appearance at three of the funeral parlours that he 'd recently acquired for the company as part of his new expansion programme .
30 After the meal , Drago told them that he had recently completed a new instrument and that at midnight he and his colleagues were planning to play together , in order to invoke some ghosts .
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