Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] recognize that " in BNC.

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1 Thus although it is recognized that regulatory agencies can influence behaviour , it is also true that the framework on to which they impose constraints is not the same regardless of the underlying institutional structure .
2 Once it is recognized that the job of the visual system is to recode the retinal image in terms of a representation of the outside world , and that much of this encoding can be done by comparing the properties of the retinal image in different parts of the visual field using fairly straightforward rules , constancies present no problem .
3 If one is to recognize that there are applied linguists and language teachers in the world identifiable by the difference of role they play ( even though these roles may exist in different degrees of convergence ) then the division of responsibility which corresponds with appraisal and application seems to be just about the only one to make .
4 However , once managerial utility depends not just on income but also on effort , and it is recognized that cost reductions require a non-trivial amount of effort , it is clear that the monetary incentive will not lead to costs falling automatically to the efficient level .
5 However inadequate his predictions proved in the twentieth century , Marx 's appeal remains incomprehensible unless it is recognized that he did have an unsurpassed grasp of nineteenth-century capitalism .
6 While it is recognized that anyone might experience anger at some time , and engage in a quarrel , most would not admit to having done so .
7 More recently , Twin Peaks ( 1990- ) may be less surprising in its unsettling mix of crime , pastiche and parody when it is recognized that its coauthor , Mark Frost , was also a script writer of the first Hill Street Blues series .
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