Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] nothing [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Where there 's nothing at stake there 's no barrier , either .
2 'Cause there 's nothing like the feeling when that Tower comes into view
3 Although there is nothing in the measurements to suggest it , the sound comes to my ear as on the warm side of strick neutrality — perhaps rich would be a better description .
4 Although there is nothing in the early Merovingian period to compare with the concern shown by the eighth-century Anglo-Saxons as to what constituted the prohibited degrees of marriage , there was considerable worry about uncanonical sexual relations .
5 But the important thing is that there is nothing at Felbrigg or Nostell — or elsewhere in National Trust houses — which closely resembles the saloon ( or the drawing room ) at Uppark : these rooms were unique and we need them back .
6 However again it is easy to overestimate the cost of such research : if a reading of Hansard shows that there is nothing of significance said by the minister in relation to the clause in question , further research will become pointless .
7 Lord Browne-Wilkinson observed that ‘ it is easy to overestimate the cost of such research : if a reading of Hansard shows that there is nothing of significance said by the minister in relation to the clause in question , further research will become pointless ’ .
8 Naipaul 's readers could well have become inclined to ask why it is that his novels seem to say that there is nothing to be done in , or with , the countries of their concern .
9 I just hope that there is nothing to this Werner business .
10 While rejecting the detailed application of management approaches from an industrial or commercial environment into schools , we should not fall into the belief that there is nothing to be learned from such experience — for in the right conditions there is .
11 Some adolescents may need reassuring that there is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed about in night emissions or monthly periods .
12 The disappointment in the parents , the justified reproach that they do not get from the parents what they need , leads to youth 's contempt of civilization , of cultural tradition , and to the opinion that there is nothing to be learned from the history of human development .
13 The term substantial steps is used because prior to that stage it is generally assumed that there is nothing for the offeror to disclose publicly .
14 If , however , you find yourself carrying three or four such problems it seems clear that there is nothing for it but to go back and attack the first difficulties again .
15 It is time he responded and paid compensation to those farmers , and allowed them to get on with earning their livelihood , instead of telling them that there is nothing for them from the Ministry of Agriculture .
16 It says , the quiz will contain some sixty questions covering general knowledge and not just railway so so that there is , not very good grammar , so that there is nothing for the family to be afraid of .
17 But can you say , sir , that there is nothing between you that should not be ? [ pause ] You answer me not and may I not fairly presume you can not ?
18 Indeed , we would assert most emphatically that there is nothing within the stories themselves to explain any change in the divine response , let alone a change as complete and as dramatic as the two series report .
19 However , it does not follow from this that there is nothing in an animal 's head , or that nothing useful can be said about it .
20 To this , Joseph protested : ‘ If I could , I would take my heart out and hold it in my hand and let the Great Father and the white people see that there is nothing in it but kind feelings and love for him and them . ’
21 The use of square brackets would normally mean that there is nothing in the hand of the king , not even a signature , but that the material is contemporary with him and belongs to his period .
22 It is sobering to report that there is nothing in it .
23 Responding to such an equation of the spirit with femaleness , Norris points out that Gregory of Nyssa ( one of the Cappadocians ) does indeed speak of Christ as casting out demons by the power of the Spirit , but that there is nothing in his language to imply a subordination of the Spirit to Christ !
24 As to what counsel said there is a keen dispute which their Lordships can not resolve , beyond observing that there is nothing in the abbreviated note of the arguments in the district court to suggest that counsel went further than to point out that the immediate future of the B.M.F.L. prosecution was highly speculative .
25 It may be noted that there is nothing in rule 12 which , in terms at least , prevents a taxation on the standard basis or the indemnity basis of non-litigation costs .
26 For much the same reasons we are quite satisfied that there is nothing in the Act which affects in any way the processes by which decisions as to suspension and disbarment , and so on are to be taken and promulgated through the machinery created by the Inns in 1986 with the concurrence of the judges , subject always to the visitorial jurisdiction of the judges .
27 She agreed with Gilbert that the souls of the dead are in the hand of God and , as for herself , she was persuaded that there is nothing in this world or out of it which can separate us from the love of God .
28 If you are convinced that there is nothing after this earthly life and that death is the ultimate finality , then you can not be crying for the one who has died for he can not now be suffering in any way at all .
29 Predictably Michael Palin 's Pole to Pole was the runaway Christmas hit , proving once again that there is nothing like a television series to help sales of a book — Heffers sold between 1,300 and 1,400 copies .
30 Bill did you know that there 's nothing on this tape ?
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