Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] happen [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I was just gon na say , I I think we should possibly stop blaming the media or whatever actually happens and perhaps echo what the the lady earlier said , I think that it 's in our hands , we 're the women that could make this happen !
2 SIR — It has already been reported that , contrary to official policy , the scientific merits of candidates for academic promotion in Italy are not given primary consideration by the members of the judging commission , so it often happens that a loser has a curriculum vitae ( c.v. ) clearly superior to that of a winner .
3 Cole adds that what actually happened when the Pioneers engaged in production was not what they had intended when they started their co-operative ; and goes on to offer a more detailed explanation : The Rochdale Manufacturing Society was set up in 1854 , Supposing that , as an expression of democracy , Co-operative principles are as valid for the producer working in the factory producing goods for sale in the Co-operative store as they are for the consumer buying them there , a newcomer to the story might find it surprising that the Pioneers ' belief is presented , if not itself as a matter for surprise , then certainly one for explanation .
4 ‘ The fight I 'd love would be against McMillan and it nearly happened before he lost his WBO title .
5 However , practice differs and it invariably happens that express provision is made only regarding two areas : non-competition/canvassing and non-disclosure/use of business secrets .
6 In consequence , many Members who put their names down will have only ill-formed ideas about what they want and it frequently happens that Bills presented are ill-prepared or misconceived .
7 And it even happens where the clays which overlie the chalk , the tertiary clays which you can see for example in the top of the cliffs at Newhaven , and if you look back at the cliff from the western breakwater for example you can see clay sitting on top of chalk .
8 His argument is that the density wave is of a different kind , the so called long wave mode , which propagates from the centre of the Galaxy outward , such a wave pattern rotates much more rapidly than the short wave mode and it just happens that , if this picture is correct , our Solar System is almost exactly at the place in our Galaxy where it orbits at the same speed as the wave ( Astrophysics and Space Science , vol 89 , p 61 ) .
9 And it just happens that Digital is the only company to make it work .
10 There was no colour bar , because normal rules are applied for the selection of recruits and it just happens that black and Asian people fall the tests .
11 The old sunset-defying British Empire stands out even better , and it so happens that the main fossiliferous parts of it fall on a non-equatorial great circle , thereby providing ample ammunition for the polar wanderers .
12 The armourers all slept in a long room on the first floor , with J. in a small room to himself at the end , and it so happened that Matthew occupied the corresponding small room immediately underneath on the ground floor .
13 This was a wire type recorder , and it so happened that during the very substantial impact a piece of structure cut across the take-up spool presenting the investigators with something like 11 000 lengths of wire about ten inches long on which the events were recorded .
14 ( If it so happens that yellow wallpaper does take away your appetite , then for you it is relevant . )
15 Moreover we can discuss the meaning of what is being said even if it so happens that there are no trees in the park , or if all the trees happened to be the same age and none of them was an oak .
16 The reader should not reject them outright if it so happens that they do not correspond to his own personal impressions .
17 Now if it so happened that the A sixty one was seen as a marginally shorter route , then the model would have sent all the through traffic along the A s sixty one and none along around the bypass .
18 But it also happens that in the organization of recorded knowledge for retrieval the profession of librarianship finds itself at an interesting point of crisis .
19 So I set out to have a go at the Station side , but it just happened that there was also a scratch side called the C.N. Lowe 15 .
20 The king supplemented these sources of patronage with papal provisions on behalf of his candidates , but it sometimes happened that the royal clerk , with or without a provision , found himself forestalled in a benefice by another providee .
21 But it so happens that we can compare the situation during the years 1070 to 1123 with a similar train of events at Canterbury just a hundred years later .
22 Oh yes , you get that , you get that kind of mimicry , but again you 'd expect it in , in , in both sexes I should think , unless it just happens that males for example normally are bigger and then it 's taken on a , a secondary characteristic which is a possibility .
23 So it 's an attempt on , on , on the second level to minutely reconstructing historical , the lost , the truest but what really happened and in that on that level , it 's important for Freud to establish that Moses was not Jewish but Egyptian , because this gives him the link with Egyptian monarchism and the events of the exodus and explains it as well .
24 The forces of evil must have been working smoothly that day because it so happened that the spot he chose was the position within yards of the epicentre of terror that had frightened the railwaymen so many years earlier .
25 This is daft when you 've lost your job through no fault of your own ; when it really happened because your company had to contract , were firing people on the ‘ last in , first out ’ basis and you had n't been there long .
26 Not as funny as it actually happening and you getting covered in vomit but I mean it 's still vaguely amusing .
27 I speak from the heart here , as it so happens that my sister is to be married this month and my mother is trying her hardest to organise the wedding that we ( never mind my sister and fiancé , these things are family affairs ) , want .
28 I actually mar marked twelve closed questions as it so happened but that 's , that 's neither here nor there , that 's ju that 's just a point of reference .
29 For it so happens that the developed societies over-value certain kinds of mental operations , like logic .
30 For it often happens that the things we take for granted are the very things that need most explaining , but to which we give least attention because we are barely conscious of them ourselves .
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