Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [be] assumed [that] " in BNC.

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1 The cause of this effect is the oscillation in rotor velocity shown in Figs. 4.3 and 4.4 , where it is assumed that the system inertia is sufficient to maintain rotation even if the load torque temporarily exceeds the motor torque .
2 And this is what distinguishes the reading of literature from the reading of philosophy which requires that one understands as fully as possible what is meant , and where it is assumed that the writing will illustrate the meaning in a direct and immediate way .
3 Other researchers like Bickerton and Bailey work within a " dynamic paradigm " where it is assumed that " the individual is homogeneous and that variability results from the aggregation of internally consistent lects which are different from each other with respect to one or more linguistic features " ( Romaine 1982 : 11 ) .
4 One of my own patients grew up in a loving family where it was assumed that he would eventually study law — just like his grandfather , his father and his uncle .
5 If they are placed in secondary roles , or it is assumed that women 's identity is to be found in mothering , then the fact of their presence reinforces a certain understanding of the feminine .
6 Although it is assumed that birds have not a highly developed sense of taste , both tits and blackbirds , despite any flamboyant coloration to attract them , recognise Sturmers as worthy of attention , and those out of reach , when harder weather prevails , will , as in former winters , attract both fieldfares and winter-visiting blackcaps .
7 There is no crew as such because the Doom Diver effectively launches himself , although it is assumed that there are a number of Doom Divers ready and willing to step forward and be catapulted into the air .
8 The claim that status frustration is the motivating factor also suffers from a middle-class bias , in that it is assumed that delinquents cherish middle-class status goals , such as educational success .
9 The Aristotelian view , as I have interpreted it , ‘ works ’ only to the extent that it is assumed that there is no problem about what I shall call ‘ the autonomy of desires ’ .
10 The danger of adopting a systems approach uncritically is that it is assumed that it is sufficient to identify system structures and to portray the multitudinous variables involved in a particular system which then reinforces the first law of ecology as graphically described by Commoner ( 1972 ) that everything is connected to everything else .
11 That is , they show that the coefficients of the model are still identified in this case provided that it is assumed that the equation errors in the money growth equation and in the output equation are contemporaneously uncorrelated .
12 Note also that it is assumed that the description contained in TITLE-IS is UNCLASSIFIED , since the title will appear whenever lists of modules are sent to a printer or viewed on a screen .
13 It is suggested that it be assumed that there will be a need for an interpreter at public meetings , and that this is planned for .
14 Newspapers printed a photograph of a letter to a flood-control committee bearing Mr Li 's signature , so it was assumed that he could still put pen to paper .
15 Once it is assumed that the third party would be liable to the plaintiffs for damages of a particular kind , it must follow that he has some responsibility for those damages .
16 The words of the Fourth Commandment are uncompromising and it 's assumed that so also are those who believe in keeping the Sabbath .
17 But these resources are not sufficient for them to reach their migratory goal and it is assumed that they die before the journey is complete .
18 PULSARS that are members of binary systems in globular clusters are all rapidly rotating , and it is assumed that they have been spun up by accretion from binary companions .
19 A business mistake is made , and it is assumed that the mistake would have been avoided if somebody at a higher position in the organization had known about it , or had intervened .
20 If a Conservative MP X or Y , who has not been known to take ideological stands , approaches a minister or a whip and expresses grave doubts , this is viewed with considerable worry and it is assumed that these objections have been put forward by the MP only after the points have been put to him with equal or greater force in his constituency .
21 An extensive treatment of this issue is not the concern of this book , and it is assumed that the reader has already made a study of it elsewhere , usually in some introductory study of economics .
22 No record exists of his education and it is assumed that he was privately tutored .
23 The other four patients had non-functioning gall bladders before and after treatment but their cystic ducts were patent at percutaneous cholecystolithotomy , and it is assumed that they do not respond to the fatty meal stimulus used to test gall bladder emptying .
24 The content of their syllabuses was largely , though indirectly , in the hands of the universities , through the local examination boards , and it was assumed that a good school , even if comprehensive , would manage to get a reasonable number of O and A level passes and send a proportion of its pupils on to higher education .
25 The first stages of the French Revolution seemed to be more obviously under reasonable management and it was assumed that the French would set up some sort of parliamentary government under the control of gentlemen .
26 He was thirty-five to forty and it was assumed that he was an army intelligence officer .
27 Rationalisation and reform were felt to be needed , and it was assumed that the resulting improvements would benefit all the interested parties .
28 In the British Army , discipline was centred around self-discipline , and it was assumed that each man had enough self-discipline to carry out an order without being told twice .
29 Many of Winterthur 's wealthier citizens had already built their villas outside in the country , and it was assumed that the space cleared by destroying the walls would go the same way .
30 ( The discrepancy could perhaps be explained if it is assumed that there is also a weak preference to continue with the first-named character . )
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