Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [be] no [adv] " in BNC.

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31 It marked a vital staging post on Constance 's path to independence and made clear to Nora that she was no longer dealing with a child .
32 He did not take long in drinking his tea but by the time he had finished it , he saw that she was no longer at the counter , her place having been taken by another girl .
33 She must have realised that she was no longer encumbered , but completely free .
34 This at least meant that she was no longer expected to walk .
35 As she mingled with the guests at the Queen 's Scottish home she realized that she was no longer treated as a person but as a position , no longer a flesh and blood human being with thoughts and feelings but a symbol where the very title ‘ Her Royal Highness , the Princess of Wales ’ distanced her not only from the wider public but from those within the intimate royal circle .
36 Everything would have combined to emphasize the fact that she was no longer part of the terrain her ancestors had occupied for so many generations .
37 Well , now that she was no longer there , he would have to pay attention ; would know that she had been serious .
38 Knew that she was no longer a child .
39 Before she finished here and made her way to the sitting room , there were certain things she must say to Cissie , and she must say them without alarming the girl , yet , at the same time , make her aware that she was no longer a child , that she already had the mark of a woman on her .
40 She was altogether beautiful and of no special age , except that she was no longer young .
41 He wondered why Pinkie mentioned Laura , then realised with sinking heart that she was no longer keeping her discontent to herself and the echo of it must have travelled for some distance .
42 More people began to come in , so that she was no longer alone on the paved bit with her magazine and her sandwiches and her towel .
43 From long experience , Belinda 's younger brothers would have known in an instant by the crisp , deceptively mild tone that she was no longer fooling around , but unfortunately Greg Carey was n't possessed of this experience , so he said on a thick , purring note , ‘ Because you need to loosen up , get rid of some inhibitions .
44 Only the grip of his hand on her arm joined their bodies together , yet the union seemed complete and total so that she was no longer a separate entity .
45 She never knew how long she slept , but when she drifted back to consciousness she was aware even before opening her eyes that she was no longer alone in the room , and her body stiffened .
46 ‘ He 's counting on you , of course , ’ she said , and now that she was no longer whispering , her voice was slightly sharp .
47 — And that was bad enough , the appalling jumble of emotions , the appalling realisation that she was no longer free , but what was worse was all the rest of it , the things she 'd learned , or guessed .
48 Her plans to move away from London meant that she was no longer able to continue as director of the Display Team and she was warmly thanked for everything she had done in the past .
49 Why did she have the sudden feeling that she was no longer in control ?
50 Emerging from the shower ten minutes later , skin glowing and towelling her damp hair , she was galled to discover that she was no longer tired and , worse , that her stomach was actually rumbling with hunger .
51 Secure in the knowledge that she was no longer quite so helpless , Luce relaxed and picked up one of the magazines , which fluttered open .
52 She quickly changed her position , so that she was no longer facing him but looking out towards the lake .
53 Certainly from the moment you land you realise that you are no longer on familiar ground .
54 Through this you , who have thought that the inner and outer struggle was your own , will understand , know and comprehend through the deepest fibres of your being that you are no longer alone and that everything you do matters to someone .
55 And now , Ian Wharton , now that you are no longer the subject of this cautionary tale , merely its object , now that you are just another unproductive atom staring out from the windows of a branded monad , now that I 've got you where I want you , let the wild rumpus begin .
56 If we do not receive your update instructions by the above data it will be assumed that you are no longer seeking acquisitions and the record will be deleted from our database .
57 If you are no longer acting for any of the appellants shown as being represented by you on the enclosed Roll , you should inform this office , in writing , at least seven days before the hearing date , enclosing a copy of your letter to the appellant informing him/her that you are no longer acting , giving him/her details of the date , time and place of the Appeal hearing and that he/she must attend to present his/her Appeal and that failure to appear may result in the Appeal being dismissed .
58 Relatives may impose new pressures once you are no longer at work .
59 I see wide attackers being allowed to come inside for shots , centre-backs who do not appear to have a clue about positional play and plenty of evidence to suggest that we are no longer producing defenders with the ability and confidence to cope on their own . ’
60 This is due to the fact that we are no longer told to add crushed rusks to our babies ' bottles at just a few weeks old .
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