Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [adv] give [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So when , when do , the one , the one that you just give me , the
2 Well I make a proposal that we also give them notice that at the end of this year , we will not be prepared to continue the lease on the current licence .
3 The second reason is that they always give us a packed lunch !
4 You therefore need to press both management and your own representatives ( whether a trade union , staff committee or works council ) to make sure that they promptly give you adequate information about the progress of discussion .
5 ( 2 ) Titius left this legacy to his debtor , Seius : ‘ I give and bequeath to Seius ten denarii , and I also give him whatever he owed me by way of capital and interest . ’
6 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman and I certainly give him the assurance that he seeks .
7 cos I nearly give him
8 . In ten years time if you just give them a derisory thirty pence off people leave their children at home make it easier for them to bring them with them . .
9 I just want to end up by saying I know it 's all about reduction for unemployed and the telephone this union has worked very hard with the community in Salford throughout the country if you just give me a moment , Mr President , I 'll get this unclear
10 If you just give me your name or say hello or something .
11 If you just give me er a moment to check my .
12 If you only give us fifty percent , well I think we 've got funny conversations .
13 And we only give you thirty anyway .
14 And by the way , if we only give you fifty percent we 'll allow you to rattle our cage , which is a bit of a cheek really , but we 'll allow it .
15 Yeah , I came I went up about a year ago , I remember when I went down to Hertford in the yeah , I said I , I forgot to say what ticket and they automatically give you an adult do n't they ?
16 and they also give you erm a suitable relaxant erm so you go into what 's called t twilight sleep .
17 I just want to read three anecdotes which , and I mean I 've given you sort of odd statistics and the advantage of anecdotes is that they actually put flesh on the bones I think , and they really give you a sense of what it meant to be er a peasant in China in the nineteen thirties .
18 And they never give him the they never give him his tow bar or nothing , he 's never had them back !
19 and they always give you a question like that where it 's , you know , there 's a nice little short way , which is the wrong way round
20 Albanian gold shall be returned to the rightful Government , if they simply give us back our battleships and a 99 year lease on Southern Albania , the area with a Greek majority .
21 A disclosure of data under the act is only unauthorized if they knowingly give it to someone who is not entitled to it .
22 The thing is , if they always give you and you , your , nine times out of ten what they do is like , is either , they either put a can over there or a beer or something , they put it over the end of the , the weapon pull the trigger and that , even with a flash that can go like that , and then they show you one with the , the erm flashes right which have more powerful than the and they 've actually got same again same charge as a life grenade in , but it just plain cardboard so , obviously no trap , but if you lay on them ooh er , you get or something you do n't throw what they do now is they put one they light one , put the helmet over the top of it and make it lit , it runs like buggery and it 'll go a hundred , a hundred and fifty foot up in the air and inside it looks like its been and where its been in the thing it 'll be like er , six seventy foot off the ground , I mean I laid on one once and I , landed about two foot too my left so I 've rolled over , rolled , rolled , and rolled , as I 've rolled I 've rolled over on my back and I 've had all loads of over , like the , I had a roll there its like the er
23 Cos they always give you the best deal .
24 He was saying to him he said stop bloody play acting get up and he just give him a kiss on the head
25 Yeah I know I know it 's got a lot of milk in and I did ask for it for you , but she still give me one like that .
26 but she never give us another one
27 And in fact we even er I 'm not sure whether this is still in operation , but we even give them an idea of the categories .
28 And it 's not , you know , it 's not really much chemistry in it , especially if they do n't ask you f for this er equation but they just give it to you .
29 So but I think with this I mean this homework , that 's the only thing I do n't believe in because they 've got ta revise it which is brilliant , I mean , at the moment but they also give them three hours homework a night !
30 Such programmes not only allow us to expand our market share in today 's tough world , but they also give us the opportunity of being involved in the very earliest stages of our customer 's product development process , offering us exciting scope for new business .
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