Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [pron] is called " in BNC.

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1 This Pool who is not Poole can not be worse than the last idiot I saw from the same backward profession : he was extremely fortunate that I did not send the details of his impertinences to the Medical Association or whatever it is called .
2 The paradox about all this information explosion or whatever it is called is that the speed of its distribution is so high and the actual receiving of it by a human being is so necessarily slow and far more inefficient than it is achieved by other methods , such as reading printed marks on paper .
3 Accell/OO — or whatever it is called by the time it comes to market — will have full graphical and object-oriented functions , Unify says .
4 Fortunately , too , Labour has agreed to continue with that policy should it come to power — so let us hear no more complaints about depriving local government of central Government funds because of cuts in rate support grant , revenue support grant , or whatever it is called today .
5 We shall be given all manner of reasons why there should not be a top salary review , or whatever it is called since the former Prime Minister tore up the negotiating arrangements for the civil service .
6 What I think is true , is that Cantona was named as co-defendent in Chapmans divorce , or whatever it is called .
7 Please let us know about EVERY class you teach however specialised and whatever it is called unless it is directly resulting from another qualification e.g. if you teach a yoga type class and do not have a yoga qualification , this statistically should be a Medau Breathing and Relaxation class .
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