Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] 25 [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 The proportions among those aged 75 — 84 were 8 per cent of the married , 34 per cent of the others , and for those aged 85 or more 25 per cent compared with 61 per cent .
2 In two of Japan 's leading export items , colour TV sets and motor vehicles , it is estimated that only 25 per cent of the value-added in production is generated internally by the company that sells the final product in contrast to 50 per cent in the UK or US .
3 In two of Japan 's leading export items , colour TV sets and motor vehicles , it is estimated that only 25 per cent of the value-added in production is generated internally by the company that sells the final product in contrast to 50 per cent in the UK or US .
4 In 1988 the Consumers ' Association found that only 25 per cent of parents had attended a parent-teacher association meeting in the past twelve months and only 9 per cent had attended a school governors ' annual meeting .
5 The National Federation of Housing Associations ( NFHA ) , which monitors all new lettings , has produced figures showing that only 25 per cent of association tenants work full time , that 98 per cent have lower than national average incomes and 66 per cent have incomes derived wholly or partly from state benefits .
6 The finding is that roughly 25 per cent of Italy 's total dog population of around 3.5 million is made up of animals which , if they are not all precisely strays , are at least ‘ free-ranging ’ and not under immediate human supervision .
7 Only 40 internationally-important wetlands have been designated , instead of the recommended 120 ; and only 25 per cent of sites suggested under the EC 's Birds Directive declared protected .
8 Meanwhile more than 40 per cent of respondents to an opinion poll said that they would prefer a return to more centralized economic management and only 25 per cent wanted a market-oriented system .
9 There is a restriction on the allowance for the car if it costs more than £12,000 , and only 25 per cent writing down allowance is given in the first year .
10 That brings the officially acknowledged contribution of petrol-lead to blood-lead up to 30 per cent in adults and nearly 25 per cent in children and boosts the case against lead in petrol .
11 The 10 per cent guar loaf has 25 per cent less digestible carbohydrate , and hence 25 per cent fewer calories , than white bread , yet it has three times more fibre .
12 In a study of his four published Song Books , I found that of the forty-two tunes I could identify ( four I could not ) , some 60 per cent are ‘ traditional ’ , mostly of rural origin ( the bulk Scottish ) , while only about 12 per cent come from comic music hall songs and about 25 per cent from bourgeois sources ( parlour ballad , light opera ) .
13 But with most businesses having something like 40 per cent of their current assets and around 25 per cent of their total assets tied up in monies owing from trade debtors ( ie , the ones that can be converted into cash to pay their bills and wages ) this is far from ideal .
14 In relation to transfer , about 50 per cent of employment had come from the local area and almost 25 per cent from the region .
15 They can calculate all too clearly that the average value of sterling has fallen 17.5 per cent , ( and over 25 per cent against the dollar ) since September , and the price of fuel and raw materials for industry has so far risen by just over 10 per cent , while retail prices have actually fallen .
16 Almost 90 per cent of firms in the Corby zone are in manufacturing , while over 25 per cent of Swansea 's firms are in retailing .
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