Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] cause [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These findings support our previous work showing that H pylori release of ammonia is unlikely to be responsible for either the hypergastrinaemia or the gastritis caused by this bacterium .
2 But there was nearly always a small group of so-called " mature students ' , who had failed to get to college when they left school ( due to illness , perhaps , or economic circumstances or the disruption caused by the Second World War of 1939–45 ) .
3 UITF9 requires adjustments to be made where the distortions caused by the hyper-inflation are such as to affect the true and fair view given by those accounts .
4 He compared 11 successful buy-outs with nine failures ( defined by bankruptcy , bond defaults or a restructuring caused by financial distress ) .
5 In some departments , noticeably the music departments , there was evident relief that the restrictions caused by the previous ‘ O ’ level system had been eradicated , and that at long last an examination had been introduced that corresponded more closely to the actual nature of their subject .
6 Is not it clear that the recession caused by the Prime Minister 's policies is continuing because of the Prime Minister 's paralysis ?
7 It may be possible , while accepting the underlying general principle , to argue against its applicability to nuclear weapons : for instance , by saying that a nuclear bomb is not a chemical weapon as such , the poison gas being a mere incidental by-product ; or to go back to the fundamental prohibition of ‘ weapons that cause unnecessary suffering ’ and argue that the suffering caused by a nuclear weapon is not disproportionate to its military effectiveness .
8 In fact the woman was fed up with the smell that the tomcat caused about the place and was glad to be shot of it .
9 A covering letter also expresses concern that a government agency had shipped 500 litres of plutonium nitrate through the Minch recently and that the pollution caused by such a cargo would be much worse than the 85,000 tonnes of light oil spilt by the Braer off Shetland .
10 Some of these studies showed that the wheel-ruts caused by umbilical hose set-ups were only half as deep as those produced by the equivalent tanker-based equipment .
11 Classical elasticity as developed in the nineteenth century assumed that the deformations caused on application of load were small ; in fact the linear relation between stress and strain , as defined above , can only be true for infinitesimal strains .
12 It was in these industrial areas on the east side of the city that the damage caused by Allied bombing had been most extensive .
13 This presumably reflected a belief either that the damage caused by opencasting had been exaggerated by Flowers or that this damage was fully justified by the perceived benefits gained from increased production .
14 The southern colonies , in the islands or on the American mainland , offered tobacco and other products that could be exchanged for English exports or help the London re-export trade , but the agricultural products of New England were similar enough to those of England to mean that there were not many openings for trade , and this meant that the differences caused by religion were not healed by close commercial relations .
15 They suspect that the anxiety caused by the food reactions was originally responsible for the change in breathing pattern , and that the two disorders aggravate one another .
16 There is some evidence to show that the poverty caused by the economic crises of the early 1980s has drawn more women into the labour force .
17 In Hong Kong itself , the response was largely negative , although some members of the business community expressed satisfaction that the uncertainty caused by the drafting process had ended .
18 These observations suggest that an acute bacterial inflammation evokes a more pronounced intestinal net fluid secretion than the inflammation caused by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis .
19 On the facts , the benefit of the second contract price being depressed was greater than the loss caused by the breach of the first contract .
20 Although the erosions caused by individual parasites may be slight , when large numbers are present a desquamative enteritis may result .
21 But , despite the potential , Britain has been tentative in expanding hospital services into the home , although the distress caused to children who spend long periods in hospital has led to some developments in acute paediatric care at home .
22 Particular attention was given to two issues : the rural and sparsely populated character of much of Wales , and the problems caused by the prevalence in Wales of two languages .
23 The UN 's Director for Humanitarian Affairs , Charles Lamunière , spoke of drought and the problems caused by ethnic strife , leading to mass movements of refugees , in Djibouti , Eritrea ( not yet internationally recognized as independent ) , Ethiopia , Somalia and Kenya .
24 It is in the light of these publications and the furore caused by Darwinian evolutionary theories in general that Marx 's and Engels 's historical work on pre-capitalist societies must be seen .
25 British fascism originated in several distinct and contradictory reaction to the long-term decline of Britain and the dislocation caused by the First World War .
26 The Commandos in the trench with me did not seem to be put out by the noise and the explosions caused by the Moaning Minnies ; no doubt they had heard it all before .
27 In view of the devastation , the unemployment and the misery caused to our people , is it any wonder that the Prime Minister is so reluctant to hold the general election ?
28 Clearing up the debris after a teenage party and the damage caused by fire or flood is no problem to this new breed of cleaner .
29 However , when and , the space-time appears to be regular for all , and the singularity caused by the mutual focusing of the two waves appears to have been removed .
30 I know how long he has been concerned about the aggravated taking of vehicles and the mayhem caused by young men in parts of Nottinghamshire over the past couple of years .
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