Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [noun] all over " in BNC.

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1 Such was Kylie 's hatred of what she called ‘ pirate ’ pictures of her that she instructed her lawyers to look into ways of suing those who published unofficial photographs of her on the myriad items of memorabilia that filled shops all over the world .
2 What 's red , white and blue and got piss all over it ?
3 He is based in Paris and has salons all over Europe .
4 The firm now employs 14 solicitors and associates , who are completing 10 to 15 house purchases a day , and has clients all over the country and across the globe .
5 How often have you switched on your television set and found lines all over it ?
6 The order grew immensely wealthy and place names all over the country still remind us of lands that they once owned .
7 In a few seconds the fuse caught , and after about ten seconds the mass of flame blew up and out , throwing something black and smoking twenty metres or more into the late-afternoon air and scattering pieces all over the Grounds .
8 We 'd slowly creep up on them then shout abuse and kick sand all over them .
9 The mechanic says that on that year the truck the part was handcrafted in Zogmolia near Flelzonia and not only is it double reverse threaded but that its made from a rare alloy rendered from toxic wastes in New Jersey ; however , he has assured me while trying to hold back a laugh and spraying spittle all over me he knows a junk yard on Mars where he can get the part soon .
10 It was built on a site prone to fog to fox the German bombers , and sends supplies all over the world .
11 Dodger sighed and blew smoke all over us
12 I refused to be taken to school , but every morning before I left , the other wives would come and put make-up all over my face – – bright red lipstick and things .
13 I envy people who do n't bother to wash up at night and leave stuff all over the place — I really enjoy going to their houses .
14 He had his coach and horses , lived in comfort in a fine house and bought property all over the town .
15 Er , I did n't have any idea er that I was going to start , obviously , er , but er , I first started at home in the backroom and had letters all over the floor .
16 Farmers in Calder valley need continuity , as do farmers all over Europe .
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