Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [was/were] widely [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Famous Last Words a pop record released by A & M was widely advertised as available on chrome tape .
2 It was interesting that , although Welsh was widely spoken , it was less widely written .
3 Originally scheduled for November 1991 , the tour had been postponed following opinion surveys which suggested that Bush was widely perceived as concentrating too much on foreign affairs and too little on domestic considerations .
4 Pope also confirmed that Miller was widely read in high circles because when staying in Bath in 1743 , he wrote to the Earl of Marchmont about a meeting there with Lord Chesterfield who had told him that ‘ your Lordship is got a-head of all the Gardening Lords and that you have distanc 'd Lord Burlington and Lord Cobham in the true scientific parts , but he is studying before you and has here lying before him those Thesarurus 's from which he affirms you draw all knowledge , Miller 's Dictionaries . ’
5 The commands of statute could now be more complex , elaborate , and precise ; texts were uniform ; and copies were widely diffused .
6 The monthly days of fasting and humiliation were widely disliked and ignored .
7 As Defence Minister at the height of the Intifada in 1988 , Rabin had again taken a hard line , and Labour was widely thought to have gained popularity after he defeated the more doveish Shimon Peres ( his successor in 1977 ) to win back the party chairmanship in February 1992 [ see p. 38787 ] .
8 In the nineteenth century , the effects of economic development , colonialism and capitalism were widely thought to be wholly favourable to women .
9 Fears of revolution and subversion were widely held in 1880 .
10 In many cases the foundries and forges were widely separated , even where commonly owned ; the sites were often little more than a combination of untidy wooden huts with the occasional brick emplacement .
11 The Trust 's recommendations for a code of practice designed to reconcile the interests of conservation and tourism were widely welcomed .
12 Endara 's wife , Ana Mae Díaz de Endara , 25 , whose growing influence over government appointments and policy was widely resented , was declared persona non grata in the region after publicly stating following the Colón riots that the police should have fired into the groups of demonstrators .
13 Turkey and Iran were widely seen to be vying for influence in the area .
14 Pacifism had been abandoned as a means for dealing with fascism and Lansbury was widely ridiculed for his " mission to the dictators " which some on the Left saw as little better than Chamberlain 's visit to Munich .
15 Nailing was an exception , but women and children were widely employed in the light metal wares of Birmingham .
16 Silk , especially after the revolution in the supply and cheapness of cotton , was a luxury , but tobacco was widely indulged in .
17 So from the very outset , before O'Neillism was widely recognized as a new force in Ulster politics , Beattie was committed to the politicized evangelicalism which Paisley promoted .
18 The move backfired , however , as Bush was widely criticised by Democrats and some Republicans for making a partisan attack at a time of international crisis .
19 Inevitably , when penicillin was widely used , the least sensitive microbes proliferated and others were able to adapt by developing penicillin-splitting enzymes .
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