Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [is] sometimes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At the test , extreme long or short-sightedness is sometimes detected .
2 I believe that courage is sometimes born out of despair .
3 Such a contrast between east and west is sometimes considered a principle of temple-decoration , the Parthenon being cited as another example .
4 It is often considered that there is much greater sexual tolerance than used to be the case and the public response to homosexuality and lesbianism is sometimes cited as evidence for this .
5 Parents generally worry less about the sexual behaviour of their sons , and teaching boys about sex and contraception is sometimes considered less crucial than it is for girls .
6 Unfortunately , since no individual has overall responsibility for the completion of the project , control is usually poor and motivation is sometimes lacking , leading to overrun on budget and time .
7 Parts are telegraphic , and clarity is sometimes sacrificed for brevity , as with Charnov 's treatment of the graphical approach to sex allocation theory in Chapter 3 .
8 Then again , if boxing is sometimes known as the sweet science , it 's certainly not an exact one .
9 Since W.P. is sometimes used as an abbreviation for ‘ wall pressure ’ , it is advisable to use the Greek symbol for psi .
10 So can you no well can you bear that in mind when Alex is sometimes playing with your things ?
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