Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] a little [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right and they 'd do into the wheat and they 'd on they 'd smoothed off , one man 'd had a big sack there , they hold her in , they had this one they build one in , he 'd go one in , he 'd go one and he 'd go one , four , four bushels of the corn and they used to tow it up , heave it out on the scale and they used to have a little old hand basin like that , with a handle on , take a little out or put a little in , and then them men down the hold , them ones , then he 'd do so many on the left and they 'd change over , he 'd do that way .
2 Or use a little of your capital ? ’
3 He paused and gave her an intense look that revealed a little of how it had been for him .
4 ‘ Harry is my name , ’ said the boy grudgingly , in a voice that creaked a little with distrust and disuse .
5 The street seemed to be full of perfume now , wafting around her in the biting wind — the perfume that was the most evocative memory she had of her mother , a haunting perfume , light and teasing and sweet , a perfume that smelled a little like a summer garden at dusk , a perfume , the memory of which had possessed the power to bring tears to her eyes long , long after she had forgotten how to conjure up the image of her mother 's face .
6 Those who would like to check the validity of this view can see his portrait in the church at Arona or , more spectacularly , visit the colossal statue to him that stands a little to the north of the town .
7 The bass is still heavy , but what 's new is a strong mid-range mix — an atmosphere built on tough beats that owes a little to Innocence , and a little more to Gary Clail .
8 Now that sounded a little like ‘ Foreigners Go Home ! ’
9 From a wooden plinth on one table , Hamish picked up a dull black cone that looked a little like a Viking helmet without the horns .
10 After a few days of sun-oil and cold showers , she even had the nerve to seek the shade and grumble a little at the sweat and the glare of it all .
11 They learned that if they blew and sucked a little at all baits before they accepted them , the safe ones moved easily and the dangerous ones did not .
12 She placed it down again and sank a little into herself .
13 Knocking around the university , and living a little on my wits , I also learned , in the student press , something of practical value for my future career and something of the university of life .
14 This was a difficult question to answer , so Alice brought up her right hand through the leaves and ate a little from the other piece of mushroom .
15 Melt the chocolate in a basin over hot water and spread a little on one side of the florentine .
16 Sally-Anne sat down on a wooden bench , the trug at her feet , and drowsed a little in the sun .
17 She swished her tail and danced a little on her dainty back feet .
18 Emmie opened a drawer , found a handkerchief and tipped a little of the toilet water on to it .
19 And he who allowed his mind to wander found that the Castle was only too happy to guide it for him , and to draw a little of the sensations and memories of that mind into itself , as if it too mulled over those things that stirred the black hearts within its halls …
20 He pushed his hands in his pockets and stepped a little behind her as she strode .
21 Drain well , season with salt and scatter a little around the salmon ; serve the rest in a bowl .
22 Then the excuse for a trip had turned up , and they 'd driven down to Stranraer in a trail of tourist cars , and she 'd played cassettes and talked a little in her soft English voice , while he sat there hardly believing his luck .
23 And thus it was that she came to be , that February evening , standing at the top of the tower block staircase , leaning against the wall and panting a little from her climb , pausing for a moment and thinking gloomy thoughts about life and death .
24 Taut , engrossing thriller that transcends genre to examine the fragile , contradictory balance between good and evil and finds a little of both in all of us
25 Such an equilibrium is stable ; that is , the price , if displaced a little from it , will tend to return , as a pendulum oscillates about its lowest point ; and it will be found to be a characteristic of stable equilibria that in them the demand price is greater than the supply price for amounts just less than the equilibrium amount , and vice versa .
26 Mall operators argue that the Sally Army must be banned , or the precedent would allow a flood of other charitable panhandlers to invade their territory , and solicit a little of the money which should by rights be the monopoly of the retailers .
27 From the evidence of componential analysis , it is one of certain linguists ' fundamental rules ; and extrapolating a little with the observations of Mead , de Beauvoir and Cixous in mind , it is a fundamental rule among sexist Western thinkers down the ages .
28 She drank slowly , found she was indeed hungry and munched a little on a biscuit .
29 She clung to him and laughed a little through her sobs , and he said : ‘ We shall float away on a tide of your tears if you 're not careful .
30 He heard the surprise in her voice , and smiled a little at having so nearly caught her out .
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