Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] all [art] more " in BNC.

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1 As Robyn Penrose is winding up her lecture , and Vic Wilcox is commencing his tour of the machine shop , Philip Swallow returns from a rather tiresome meeting of the Arts Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee ( which wrangled for two hours about the proposed revision of a clause in the PhD regulations and then voted to leave it unchanged , an expenditure of time that seemed all the more vain since there are scarcely any new candidates for the PhD in arts subjects anyway these days ) to find a rather disturbing message from the Vice-Chancellor 's office .
2 Food served at the Beach Terrace Bar and Restaurant is excellent and made all the more enjoyable by our visitors at breakfast .
3 A very fine light green velvet — almost eau-de-Nil — was seen on a child 's coffin in the vaults at St Paul 's , Shadwell , and made all the more attractive with its gilt furniture .
4 And while others are softening the mood for the Nineties , Versace has stuck resolutely to his guns , and looks all the more refreshing for it .
5 This is as true of child protection work as of any other field , and indeed perhaps the very dangerousness of the work ( for professionals and clients alike ) and the appalling nature of some of the cruelties and neglects make such professional jealousy and prejudice all the more likely .
6 Because of these complexities , friendships with the Willses tend to be built up step by step and to become all the more valued because their qualities are seldom revealed all at one time .
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