Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] not allow for " in BNC.

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1 What is more , these estimates assume a well-maintained canal and do not allow for excessive leakage .
2 This approach proved impractical and inflexible and did not allow for innovation or different national traditions .
3 Bouch 's bridge was made mainly of wrought iron and did not allow for the movement so essential in bridges of that type .
4 He said because it had to cross the busy East Coast line at Darlington the timing was crucial and did not allow for a call at Allen 's West .
5 The average wage in Maputo was 20,000 to 30,000 MT per month , which only just covers these items , and does not allow for clothes or any other basic items .
6 This has the advantage of relating expenditure to sales , but it discourages innovative approaches to advertising expenditure and does not allow for distinctions to be made between products or sales territories .
7 He is supporting a scheme that is essentially a monopoly and does not allow for any genuine competitive challenge which , as we have all been informed , is the only real moderating influence on the free market provision .
8 For example , the Home Responsibility Protection of pension rights under the current version of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme ( SERPS ) recognizes that valuable work is being done by women who are not earning enough to pay contributions , but does not allow for the fact that the low pay of some who are contributing reflects their domestic responsibilities as well .
9 This has the advantage for the medical profession of certainty , but does not allow for children maturing at different ages .
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