Example sentences of "occurs at " in BNC.

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1 There is even a seasonal indicator which occurs at this time of year .
2 The blip in the graph occurs at a crucial stage of development in firms which until that point were among the fast growers , sharply reducing the number which move on to become medium and larger firms .
3 If such a change occurs at your hotel , you will only be notified if we believe it involves a significant change in facilities or standards .
4 In the most colonial species this chase is omitted and all courtship occurs at the nest .
5 Peaty alluvial soils characteristically have an O horizon which usually occurs at the surface but can be interbedded with freshwater alluvial sediments .
6 A possible interglacial sequence occurs at Toa Galston , northern Lewis ( Sutherland and Walker , 1984 ) .
7 It can not be coincidence that the folding of the septal walls occurs at the point where they meet the body shell of the animal ; this is a point of relative weakness , and all good joinery benefits from strengthening the joint .
8 Most of these studies have produced results consistent with the suggestion that interference occurs at retrieval , finding that a CS that has undergone latent inhibition training will be relatively ineffective in evoking its CR when it is presented in the context used for pre-exposure .
9 The second non-sexual mode of transmission occurs at the time of childbirth .
10 In general , growth is a moulding process , and occurs at later stages of development when the main body plan has already been laid down .
11 This commonly occurs at high tide .
12 Because bargaining occurs at the margin there is a tendency in negotiating situations for each party to take the course of action which seems to minimize the disadvantages , rather than to maximize the gains .
13 In a similar manner , various other studies have indicated that a wide and diverse range of crime occurs at the workplace .
14 The change of style at the corner of Downing Street , on the other hand , would provide no greater contrast ‘ than occurs at every turn in the Grand Canal at Venice where Gothic and renaissance palaces constantly alternate to the great satisfaction of the artist ’ and would avoid the ‘ stereotyped monotony of a single style ’ .
15 A burning , thick discharge like cream , especially if it occurs at the time of the monthly period .
16 A section through Draycott cave is shown in Fig. 4.2 , and the main concentration of amphibian bones occurs at the deepest part of the entrance chamber of the cave where it seems to be permanently wet .
17 Transport of fossil bone after fossilization is probably not uncommon , and the nature of the breakage that occurs at this stage is highly characteristic .
18 Occasionally more heavy digestion occurs at the tips of the incisors ( Fig. 3.22 B , C ) , where the enamel is totally removed .
19 Using data for the Palaeozoic and Tertiary coals , it is found that the maximum rate of hydrocarbon generation for both coals occurs at a vitrinite reflectance of about 1% ( Figs. 10 and 11 ) .
20 By looking at differences in gas yield for the same coal type at different levels of thermal maturation , it has been possible to demonstrate that gas generation from coals occurs at lower maturities than previously reported .
21 Peak generation occurs at about 1% reflectance rather than at the 2–3% reflectance reported in a number of published studies .
22 As most of the ward learning occurs at the bedside , full discussion of the patient and his treatment provides another problem .
23 The heaviest mixing occurs at several points known as turbidity maximums ( see map ) .
24 The company this month recruited a computer and voice-recognition chips to mobilise workers when an emergency occurs at night or during a holiday .
25 Any of these factors , as well as the renewed need to know and understand themselves which occurs at midlife , may lead to a belated search for their roots .
26 Unfortunately , these amps suffer from a form of distortion known as ‘ crossover distortion ’ which occurs at and near the zero crossings of the output signal .
27 This occurs at great heights where atmospheric densities are very low , so that many of the liberated hydrogen atoms escape into space before colliding with oxygen atoms and becoming water molecules .
28 This lambast , which occurs at the beginning of the novel , is not just another Jacobsonian account of the too easy reverence paid to writers of ‘ magic realism ’ .
29 Lift-off occurs at fifty knots , and once airborne a climb speed of 65 knots is aimed for .
30 If we now add a breeze to this situation , the bubble of air tends to be blown away from under the model and the effect occurs at a lower altitude ( Fig. 5.8 ) .
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