Example sentences of "[adv] necessarily [verb] that it " in BNC.

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1 It seems , though , that even if you are being reasonable in refusing to agree to a change , that does not necessarily mean that it is unfair to push the change through and dismiss you because of your reluctance to go along with it .
2 In dollar terms Soviet oil may purchase 25 per cent more in West Germany than in Czechoslovakia , but this does not necessarily mean that it will purchase 25 per cent more railway switching gear or pipelaying equipment .
3 The irregular appearance of this material does not necessarily mean that it is amorphous , as lattice images depend on the direction of the electron beam .
4 In the novels of Dickens , slum housing invariably goes upon crutches , but that does not necessarily mean that it is advanced in years .
5 Well as I 've just said , open land does not necessarily mean that it serves a greenbelt purpose .
6 Heuristic information ( that is , suggestions about how best to search ) is often more easily exploited when the language is enlarged , but that does not necessarily mean that it has to be made more expressive .
7 But , of course , writing something into a constitution does not necessarily mean that it will be honoured in practice .
8 Although power is widely spread it does not necessarily mean that it is evenly spread between all groups .
9 It has recently become clear that an action becoming automatic does not necessarily mean that it can not be remembered .
10 Even if a car is sold as new this does not necessarily mean that it should be perfect .
11 While a strict Freudian interpretation of the function of dreaming would not necessarily imply that it preserved sanity so much as sleep , the neo-Freudians had developed the notion that during dreams conflicts were resolved , giving dreams a purpose in maintaining psychic equilibrium .
12 But as we saw earlier , the fact that a gift expresses a relationship ( as a symbol ) does not necessarily imply that it is not also of great economic importance for the parties concerned .
13 To assert that all normal human behaviour is culturally moulded does not necessarily prove that it is also culturally determined .
14 However , knowledge of a scheme , and indeed making use of it , does not necessarily demonstrate that it is of any particular value .
15 Granted that ‘ Be aware ’ suffices for some choices of ends , it does not necessarily follow that it suffices for all .
16 I mentioned earlier that a particular meaning might be made accessible but that it does not necessarily follow that it will be acceptable .
17 Feeding most species of marine fish is not therefore as simple as it may seem and even if a fish feeds eagerly , it does n't necessarily mean that it 's eating the right food .
18 Open land does n't necessarily mean that it should be in the greenbelt .
19 So again there are n't many things that do complete , swimming I think I far as I can see is the only one that does , but then again that depends on how you use the swimming , it , it just , just cos you bathes every week does n't necessarily mean that it does do it for you , it depends what you do , okay ?
20 That does n't necessarily follow that it is open countryside .
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