Example sentences of "[adv] before [pron] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr. Smith 's evidence comes down essentially to the position that Mr. Winterbone 's mental powers were not materially impaired or materially different from the position they were in before he had his fall and went into either Samuel Saye House or Haine Hospital .
2 Should I let him in before he takes his clothes off ?
3 erm in a very interested book called Darwin on Man recently by a psychologist called Gruber , Gruber has argued that Darwin had a conviction which could be expressed by saying that things which are natural are necessarily gradual , and things which are sudden are miraculous and not natural , that he had this equation in his mind erm long before he erm became and evolutionist , long before he abandoned his belief in religion which he largely did later , and Gruber traces it back , interestingly enough , to the arguments of a theologian , Sumner , who later became an Archbishop , who Darwin took notes on his ideas when he was a student at Cambridge erm which are still extent , and what Sumner had argued , among other things , was that a good argument for believing in the divinity of Christ , that Christ was divine rather than simply being a gifted teacher , was the suddenness with which the beliefs of the ancient world were transformed by Christ 's teaching .
4 He was aware of being awake long before he opened his eyes .
5 By the look of her , they were sitting there cosily together before he got his hands on her throat .
6 Willie grew up around the tenements of Glasgow , and had an equally tough road to go down before he carried his first significant bag .
7 Ultimately , his change of pace and flight of the ball broke up the rhythm of Lee , who perhaps rather over pressed in the first set and found himself 0–5 down before he adjusted his momentum to claw four games back before Galasso 's touch and confidence returned , in what was for him a perfect final game and a match point won with a brilliant lob .
8 Jesus , shortly before he left his disciples he tells them , it 's in Mark chapter sixteen , er yes , Mark chapter sixteen , in verse seventeen , it says , these signs will accompany those who have believed in my name .
9 The bitter weather was ending and everyone was feeling more cheerful when Joe was due to come on leave , but shortly before he arrived his mother had a vivid dream in which she saw him lying dead on a battlefield .
10 For several seconds , as their gazes met and held , she was disturbingly aware of the strong , sun-bronzed column of his throat , the startlingly blue gaze which studied her with an intensity so vibrantly sexual that it almost took her breath away before he turned his attention to the American couple .
11 He did not answer but just before she heard his bedroom door close she would swear that she heard a small chortle of laughter — as if her dry afterthought of a good morning had amused him .
12 Thus the words supposedly uttered by a despairing king , just before he turned his face to the wall to die , are an immediate symbol of the reaction of very many of those on whom Mary Queen of Scots was to make an impact , in her lifetime and thereafter .
13 One of the most important scenes in the play occurs directly before he makes his ‘ prayer ’ for syphilis to overtake the camp .
14 No matter how certain he might be immediately before he closed his eyes that there was plenty of space in front of him , no matter how positive he was as he walked with eyes closed that he was n't veering off to one side and there was tarmac under his feet rather than grass , he still found it very hard , almost impossible , to walk more than about twenty paces with his eyes closed .
15 While I came to the Arctic when I realized that climbing , my first love , was losing its appeal , Tony was born to the area , loving it , one might believe , even before he saw his first photograph of it .
16 Even before he reached his nineteenth birthday , he had begun to make a name as a choreographer , and one of the works he made then is still danced : only a trifle , but full of the wit that was one of his gifts .
17 Until , under the mirror , after many a circle and feint , after many a playful retreat and renewed approach , Ivan at last cornered her , and even before he opened his mouth she felt the smell of fear from herself : her pores broke open , she stood there panting slightly , her hair rising on the back of her neck in terror , her heated skin covered in icy sweat : ‘ And when , ’ asked Ivan pleasantly , ‘ are you two going to make the announcement ?
18 A woman he knew well before he began his affair with Marje .
19 He would arrive at her door and they would begin right away , sometimes before he took his coat off .
20 ‘ This , ’ complained Wedderburn , ‘ gives him vast uneasiness , for if he is ordered abroad before he gets his Post he dispairs of it for some time . ’
21 Then before she realised his intention he had slipped the doge 's ring on to her third finger .
22 She was so engrossed in her thoughts that Dr Kent had to speak to her twice before she heard his request to help him move Bobbie Cole so that he could examine her .
23 and found again before he goes his way .
24 His eyes rested on her beautifully shaped mouth , then went up to her eyes and held her look steadily before he flicked his glance down to her sensible shoes .
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